Thursday, September 22, 2005

She Has Arrived.

Sara arrived safe and sound in the Netherlands. Most of her luggage arrived with her but her bag of hockey sticks did a detour somewhere and arrived a day later. She says the weather is unseasonally warm according to the locals, her apartment is good, the pitch they train on is good and not too far from home, there are people there whom she knows, and she has internet access. The last item being almost the most important thing for a mother on this side of the world. Now I can relax knowing that she is happy and easily contactable.


  1. yes..i too am glad she arrived safely!! Remember the days in 1991 with internet?????????????

  2. WITHOUT the internet! Yes, I do. Although we shared a lot in those 8-page letters, didn't we?

  3. good to hear that she is safe and sound - now you can rest easy. She can start a blog!!!

  4. Frankly, I can't imagine Sara starting a blog. She would probably say that two in the family is enough already - three counting Kirbykids.
