Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Vegie Views

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Don't disturb the man when he's dissecting potatoes.

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Or when he's planting them.

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He has lots more planting to do.

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Potential food for food.

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A lonely little peach tree in an onion patch.

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Another view of the front/side garden.


  1. Your gardens are beautiful! Very tidy and organized.

  2. Anonymous4:11 pm AEST

    Isn't spring the most wonderful wonderful time of the year!

  3. Oh my, I'm so envious of your lovely big veggie patch. I keep begging BJ to build me a few raised beds and he promises he will, but I think that he means 'in his own good time', because it hasn't happened yet! Ah, well, I have my little plots until then. Your garden looks so fabulous, It looks like the kind of garden I'd love to share a cuppa in and chew the fat, so to speak!

  4. I love the way all the space in your garden has been utilised and not only is it beautiful but so functional ~ great ~

  5. And not a chick weed to be seen. :)

    Actually, I am almost sad to be on top of my weeds - I won't have as much for compost next year either. :( Yours looks like that. :)

  6. wow..you are going to have one huge crop of potatoes by the look of it!! absolutely gorgeous garden!

  7. How wonderful to have so much space for veggies! And your flowers look beautiful.

  8. I love your gardens so much I am drooling on the keyboard!

  9. One day, if I work really, really hard, my garden will look half as good as yours. Meanwhile I shall keep weeding and enjoying the chickweed...lol.
    PS Send DH my way - While Ashley helps, it is only after lots of nagging. Sigh!!

  10. Suburbansider - the silver/grey leafed plant along the footpath is Arctotis. Very hardy, very drought tolerant, easy to grow and propogate. That particular one has deep burgundy flowers; also available in cream, pink, white, yellow and orange. I'll post some photos when it's in flower - there will be thousands of them.

  11. Go on...take one of the dirt heap!!!!
