Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another day, another garden.

Wonderful Spring weather, except for the wind. Spent most of yesterday helping son and his partner in their garden. Russ dug up an area of backyard for a vegie garden and Shannon has been busy working in compost, as well as weeding and planting flowers in other gardens. It's great to work in the garden with someone who is so keen to have a go and learn new things along the way. They have made so many improvements to the house and garden. They even have a COMPOST HEAP. Thanks kids, for such an enjoyable day - even if I did have to go to bed at 8.00pm.


  1. don't you just love having the kids when they are grown doing the things you enjoy but they hated doing growing up!! My daughters hated gardening but love it now

  2. we had really hot weather over the weekend. It got to 33 in Sydney yesterday - that is way too hot for anyone!!! good to hear that you son is having a compost heap - wonderful!!!

  3. I was working in the garden the other day too, but pulling out the dead plants & weeds and cleaning up for fall/winter. You are making miss Spring already..LOL
