Friday, October 14, 2005

The garden did look nice for a while ...

... but it's looking a little bedraggled this morning thanks to a heavy hailstorm last night. Still, it could have been much worse. The hail was only about 1cm in diameter and, although it fell heavily, it has mainly stripped petals, leaves and done a bit of ragged pruning. I'm sure most things will recover in a few days. I'm not sure which I was most concerned about - the garden, one car not under cover, or the Laserlite panels in the deck roof - but the last two seemed undamaged and the garden will surely survive. Although I think there will be a few less cherries for Kirby Kid to pick in the summer. Is everything worse at night when you can't actually see what's happening, or does it just seem that way?


  1. I'm glad for you that nothing is really damaged Alice and I'm sure your beautiful garden will fully recover! Oh yes it is a bad feeling in the dark when you cant see what is going on outside.

  2. Bummer Alice! It never fails. Whenever the peonies just start to bloom here, we always seem to get a hail storm. Mother Nature is just so cruel sometimes!

  3. Isn't it amazing how resilent those delicate-looking flowers are? I am glad you had no serious damage.

  4. I hope things revive quickly - we did not get hail down our way just rain and I must admit I am rejoicing every time there is rain. I am going to go on a hefty replanting binge.

  5. Yes, Sharon, things seem to be going along okay. I think I've now picked all of the hail damaged peas - they didn't taste any different when cooked!

    Hope all the replanting goes well. Shame we don't live closer as I have so much stuff that can so easily be divided, dug up, chopped down/up, and propagated in any other way.

    It's certainly been a wonderful Spring thus far but it's amazing how a few windy days can dry the soil out. Any rain will always be welcome - just don't want it with hard bits in it.

  6. Hi Alice - are you getting the rain we are up here?

  7. Hello Robyn - No, we're not getting that rain but I wish we were. I think there is more forecast towards the weekend and we'll gladly take all of yours on Saturday. We haven't had any rain since the hailstorm of last week.

  8. Alice, I just found your blog through "My Garden" and I love it. Your garden and flowers are very beautiful! Breathtakingly!!! Regards from Sonia, São Paulo Brazil.
