Friday, November 04, 2005

I only just made it !!

For seven hours this afternoon I was unable to access the Internet, email, etc. The technician, the second time I rang, told me it was a countrywide outage. Anyway, whatever the cause, at times I didn't think I would make it through the day without being able to just check what was happening in blogland. I think I was only hanging on by a thread when I finally got through at 9.30pm. Whew, that was a close thing !!!

I'm so pathetic and lead a ridiculous life, don't I?


  1. If you're pathetic then so am I, so I'll have none of that! I check my blog, and my favourite blogs, first thing each morning, then sometime in the afternoon, and again when my kids have been put to bed. Sometimes more often if I have time! Actually now that I'm talking about it, I think maybe I have some sort of powerful addiction. Do you know anyone I could see about it?!

  2. You are not alone, what is it that has us under this spell? Jelly, you are the doctor, would we survive without our daily fix of www?

  3. Jellyhead - like "do I know any good doctors?" ... ask the one in your mirror.

  4. No, no - I doubt I could be objective enough to treat myself in this obviously severe case of Blogaddiction. Besides, I'd be liable to tell myself I had no idea what I was talking about. And then who would I turn to?

    No, I'm thinking someone with some wisdom, someone who's been through it themselves...maybe someone who is a particularly good gardener? Alice, I feel certain you are my only hope!!

  5. Its a delightful pasttime, isn't it? Travelling all over the world in a few split seconds. Reading people's thoughts, seeing inside thier lives for a bit and relating. Sometimes laughing with them, sometimes praying for them. I know I need to curb the time I spend online sometimes, but oh I enjoy it. It lets me reach out and touch the world of others...hey, I'm smiling again!!

  6. oh my! A dr addicted to blogs? what hope have we mere mortals got?
    I am an addict - maybe there is bloggers anonymous or something like that or maybe we could start a blog, called bloggers anonymous!
    I check my blog and email many times during the day - you can tell by looking at the mountain of laundry waiting to be washed..who needs clean socks & undies when we have blogs ?

  7. Oh Alice and ms*robyn can I join bloggers anonymous VBG - I have 4 blogs, how pathetic is that??!!
    earlier this year my modem went away for nearly two weeks, I was so twitchy, kept walking to the screen and putting out my hand to turn it on....still, it was pleasant to see how much I work I got through in those two weeks.

  8. I wanna join too! was down to maintenance for a few hours yesterday and I wasn't able to post grrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

    Alice I don't know you well, but from what I can see, how can you ever honestly think that you leed a pathetic life? You create the most beautiful garden scenes (so much work) and you sew so many clothes etc. .... I don't think that is pathetic at all!

  9. Gee Alice, I didn't know it was an allover outtage - thought it was just Victoria! Ken was most annoyed that he couldn't access the Net just when he wanted to. I was quite calm and said "It will come back on soon", which it did..well a couple of hours later, which in my books is soon for the internet!
