Friday, March 24, 2006

All is Well

I'm happy to report that the waves are still rolling into the beaches (even though it was low tide when most of these photos were taken), the sand is still warm and soft, the air is clear and fresh, and the fish'n'chips were as delicious as usual.

We also sampled the scrumptious cappucinos and muffins (with cream!!!) at a little shop in the middle of nowhere (actually it's in the middle of Mossy Point, which definitely isn't nowhere). We actually had to try them again the second day just to make sure they were as good as we thought they were on the first day - and they were (and that's the opinion of someone who normally doesn't like or eat muffins).

We couldn't miss out on $3 for a full plate of roast chicken and vegetables for lunch from the local Sports Club, either. It's just as well that we did a fair bit of walking because I feel that I've done nothing but eat for four days.

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Judy Birmingham said...

These are a sight for sore eyes! I love the one shot of the waves, with the light coming through them. I wish there were some way to photograph the smell of a place -- I'd love to have a waft of that fresh salt air right now!

Calidore said...

Welcome Home. Love the photos, stunning as always. Sounds like the food was pretty darn good

Michelle said...

So which beach does your new house overlook?????

Kerri said...

Welcome back dear Alice! You've been missed. I'm sitting here vicariously soaking up those delightful sea smells and sights, and drooling over the fish & chips, etc. Those muffins sound delicious and what a bargain on the chicken! Your pictures are SO wonderful. I can almost feel the warm sand between my toes...and paddle in that little wave. Pure bliss. Next time I'm coming with you!!!! (I wish)! This truly is my idea of heaven.

Susan Tidwell said...

Great pictures! Can't wait to see the beach again, as soon as it warms up some. Glad you had a good time.

Motherkitty said...

Welcome home and thanks for sharing a few of your gorgeous snaps. Sounds like you had a marvelous relaxing time. Australia looks like such a beautiful country. Wish I could visit one of these years.

Peggy said...

Since I can't go to the beach right now your photos are the next best thing!

Jellyhead said...

Ah, bew-di-ful!! Glad you had a relaxing time, Alice.

Val said...

You certainly have been missed, Alice. I look forward to your posts.

Judypatooote said...

What a great trip you had.....thanks for sharing the pictues with us...........

Sandy said...

Wow! It is gorgeous in your neck of the woods. I would love to be walking along those beaches, stopping for some fish and chips....I'm jealous. We have been having lousy weather and there seems to be no end in sight.