Friday, March 24, 2006

Edna says, "Thank You."

Edna came home from hospital on Monday and I spoke to her on Wednesday. Although she hasn't noticed a lot of difference yet as a result of the repairs to her heart valves, she is absolutely delighted at how well she feels so soon after major surgery. She is not experiencing any of the pain that she anticipated (her husband had open-heart surgery some years ago and she clearly remembers how painful the recovery period was for him). Edna says she is eating well and is not as breathless as she was before the operation.

Edna also asked me to thank you all most sincerely for your prayers and good wishes during this time. She appreciated your support very much indeed.


  1. Thanks for sharing this very good news. It must be such a relief for Edna to be able to breathe better and to not be suffering with all that anticipated pain. What a pleasant surprise for her. I'll continue to pray for her rapid recovery.

  2. Glad to hear the good news!
    I hope a rapid recovery to Edna!

  3. I'm so glad she is feeling better!
