Monday, May 22, 2006

"Listen! ..........Can you hear it???"

It's the South Coast of New South Wales
calling us to come down and make sure that it's
still beautiful, relaxing and inspiring.

Who are we to deny such a call?

So we've loaded the car and we'll be off shortly.

Have a lovely week, my blog friends,
and I'll catch up with you at the end of the week.

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  1. Have a lovely time away, Alice. I hope it's nice and warm there - it's a bit cold and rainy here (not complaining about the rain though!)

  2. I hope you and Richard have a beautiful, relaxing and inspiring time at the coast Alice! I'd love to come too! I'm glad Val is getting some rain in her part of the world. We are getting too much rain and I AM complaining about it! It's time to plant!
    I'll miss you!

  3. I'm in the wrong season of life, I know it!

    Have a great trip and I'm looking forward to all those great photos you will hopefully share when you get back.

  4. Hi Alice... Enjoy your break. Look forward to hearing all about it and seeing some nice pictures on your return.

    Your autumn pictures are stunning. Love - Marion

  5. have a good week, love the south coast, have spent lots of time there

  6. Have a safe and wonderful time the others said, I too look forward to seeing more of your beautiful photos when you get back:-) We had snow here yesterday so I'm just about ready to go somewhere warm!!!

  7. It's raining here in "sunny California"
    Enjoy your getaway. That beach looks like my kind of vacation!

  8. Alice, waht a wonderful photo from the seaside! Have a good time!


  9. Have a good time Alice. Looks lovely.

  10. You've got the right idea- have fun.

  11. I'm sure you're having a lovely time, whilst we're shivering our knees off here! Not to worry, I'll be looking forward to some nice pics to make up for it :)

  12. Enjoy your holiday, please come back with some of your beautiful photos!
