Friday, July 27, 2007

I had such good intentions ...

... to walk around the hill and take photos of the clouds after the rain and thunderstorm. But by the time I finished talking to my neighbour on the east side of the hill, it was too dark to take photos of the clouds on the west side of the hill.
Better luck next time.
View from the side garden.

View from the driveway.

I love the white bark on these eucalypts against the dark clouds.

Clouds with a sunset tinge.


  1. I think you did very well with these snaps anyways!

    Hope you're enjoying the weekend Alice.

  2. White bark on the eucalypts - that will get me every time.

    BTW, one of the things I found out at the craft fair is that there is an Art on Bark Association and they teach people how to make pictures using pieces of bark. Lucky many street trees around here are paper barks!

  3. Anonymous8:34 am AEST

    Oh, I like these sky pictures!! The clouds have a dramatical "touch"...a very promising sign for the weather of the coming day (at least we say so here ;-) !).
    Have a sunny weekend!

  4. I always love your cloud photos Alice.
    Never mind...I'm sure the chat with your neighbour was fully as enjoyable as taking photos of the west side would've been...and I'm sure we'll be treated to the west side story another time ;)

  5. The sky seems so big there, and you always take such great sky pictures! It really puts things into perspective, making all the problems here on the ground seem small in comparison.
