Friday, October 05, 2007

How to Entertain the Grandchildren!

Take them for a picnic lunch in the park,

give them time to play,

and when they come home you let them 'race' slaters on a board on the loungeroom carpet.

The slaters were collected by the children during the morning and kept in ice-cream containers. They were upset when their mother, Shelly, wouldn't let them take them home, saying "We've got quite enough in our own garden already."


  1. I see you've been having fun! Must be the weather is still chilly enough for long sleeves, but it looks lovely and sunny. What are those pretty little yellow flowers carpeting the ground?
    Bugs in the living room? sure are the indulgent grandma :)Slaters? I'm sure I must know them, but have never heard that name before.
    Lovely pictures of your adorable 3 and Richard too (even though you caught the poor man with his mouth open :) Thanks for the tutorial. Ours are coming this weekend so I'll be able to practice :)

  2. I couldn't get the link to work, but if you don't know what a slater is, you can find out here

  3. Hi Alice,
    very entertaining right and so cute children all are!!!

    Oww I posted on your (and others) questions something of the background of "what the DUTCH windmills do" not only electricity, so when you are intersted you may read it, or not its fine with me,

    have a good weekend:)

  4. What a good grandma you are! I wonder if you ever let your children bring slaters into the house?

    But that is what makes grandma's house so much fun, right?

    The kids are lovely, I know you enjoyed having them!

  5. I burst out laughing to see the slaters in the lounge!
    Looks like the kids had wonderful fun!

  6. Those children are just plain weird!!!!!

  7. Shelly, I'm sure the weirdness is an inherited trait passed down from Father to children.

  8. Racing slaters - looks like fun! In case you've forgotten, have you let them make potato heads = potatoes in which they can stick various articles found around the house and with which they can make faces? My boys and their friends loved that.

  9. making profuse notes here on the, and will mamke good use of them when I get some grandies of my own...none yet...maybe I shall have to drop some hints? arent yours just wonderful!

  10. Anonymous7:50 pm AEST

    I know children who loved elephant beetles when they were little, but slaters....
    You really should buy some toys for the poor little buggers!

  11. Kerri - the yellow flowers are wretched Capeweed flowers - good for daisychains.

    Val - never made Potato Heads, sounds like something for another day.

    Krissie - they sure are wonderful, even if their mother says they are just plain weird!!!

    Tracey - no blow 'em, let 'em find their own amusement, even if it is slaters!!

  12. Your grandkids are adorable and you have my curiosity on edge, so I'm off to look up slaters. I'm assuming from other comments that they are some kind of bug.

    The children around here play with doodle bugs. You find a small hole in the ground and take a piece of straw (like hay) and put it down the hole while giving the straw twists back & forth between the palms of your hands, singing "Doodle Bug, Doodle bug (something or other.)
    The doodle bug attaches to the straw and you quickly pull it out of the hole. I don't know what they look like, because I gave up when I caught a spider instead.

  13. I came to visit you to desire a good week to you.
    Much attention with our children. It has many criminals who steal them and kill.
    Until always

  14. Hey sounds and looks like heaps of fun! Love family days like these.
    The kiddies have grown heaps.

  15. Oooh, slaters ... or butchie boys, as we called thm ... what fun. What a great nanna you are.
    Hope you are well.
    Take care, Meow
