Friday, February 22, 2008

Interim Report ....

The water was warm(ish), the waves rolled in, the sand squeaked and simply asked to be walked on, played in and sat on, the sun shone, the breeze blew, the seagulls shrieked, and the fish and chips were delicious.
What more could one ask for?


  1. You're a frightful tease!
    I'm just going to imagine myself strolling along that gorgeous, warm, squeaky sand, soaking in all of the above mentioned delights, while fresh light snow falls outside my windows and the temp. is 25ºF/-3ºC.
    Thanks for sharing these fabulous views Alice.
    I'm glad the weather is behaving itself so perfectly for you and Richard. Have a wonderful few more days!!!! And save me some of those fish and chips please :)

  2. Greetings from central of Germany!
    Here it is today slightly warmer than the past few weeks, how wonderful. I enjoy to look your beautiful photos. How I would now like to walk along the beach!

  3. I;m with Kerri on that are a tease....LOL My daughter is in the air as I write this, on her way to Australia.....what a long flight.....hope your well.... judy

  4. Hi Alice ~~ Beautiful photos and I hope you and your husband are enjoying your holiday. You both deserve it after painting your home.
    It will be nice to come home to the newly painted house, after you tire of relaxing and enjoying yourselves.
    I hope the weather is kind to you.
    Take care, have lots of rest and relaxation. Love, Merle.

  5. What a paradise that all looks to be!
    Mmmm Love fish & chips!

  6. Hi Alice ~~ Thanks for your message. I hope you are still enjoying your holiday. Well deserved after all your work. Take care, Love, Merle.

  7. Beautiful shots! Your seagulls look exactly the same as ours here in Southern California....

  8. yeh Alice,
    we(Holland) were having some small warm days, so I am glad to see you were having them too, today rainy day, but i am still busy with my sick dog, thanks for your sweet words!
