Friday, March 14, 2008

More watery photos

Tanya and Shelle have posted beautiful 'watery' photos, so I thought I would keep with the family theme and post just a few more 'wet' photos in the hope of keeping our southern friends a little cooler during this heatwave.
At Narooma, with Montague Island in the background



Guerilla Bay

Mossy Point

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Kerri said...

Thank you Alice for more beautiful shots of your spectacular coastline.
Excuse me now, I'm off to imagine I'm strolling along the sand, every so often stopping to paddle my feet in that sparkling blue water. After that I'll wander over to the rocks and explore those rock pools. Ahh...heaven!
Are we, by any chance, having fish 'n chips for dinner?

Barbara said...

Oh, I would like to go back to the sea, listen to the breaking waves, smelling the water, feeling the sand between my toes....and finally have a wonderful fish for dinner! At least I can see your inspiring pictures... Thank you!
Have a nice weekend!

Unknown said...

I feel as if I just visited all those places from your photos! Very cool!

Merle said...

Dear Alice ~~ Thank you for those lovely COOL photos. This is the hottest March we have ever had, but
there are some cooler days ahead -down to mid 20s instead of high 30s.
Thanks for your message and glad you liked the jokes. I just put a heap more on tonight. Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

Anonymous said...

The cool water photos have worked! Thank you Alice. In the last hour or so the temperature has dropped and the air is breathable again.

Catherine said...

I love all of you're beach beautiful! I can almost hear the waves & wind, & smell the salt water! I am a beach cat! I love the sea! Wonderful captures!

Michelle said...

I think you need to have at least one photo of you or dad in the water - just to prove you were really there!!!

Judy Birmingham said...

It's amazing how even a single photo of the ocean and crashing waves can make you feel almost like you're there. You can never take too many beach photos, I've decided. Every wave is different!