Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Date To Remember

Saturday 16th December 1967.

..... and 41 years later!

(this photo was actually taken early last year - but we haven't changed much since then!!)

So, how did we spend our 41st Wedding Anniversary today?

We planned to go to the new Portrait Gallery, have lunch at Old Parliament House or the Botanic Gardens, see the Degas exhibition at the Art Gallery, and then go out for dinner in the evening.

Sounds good, huh? This is how it went.

Shelly rang to wish us a Happy Anniversary and tell us that Shay had just come down with Chicken Pox. (Oh the joy of waiting for the other two to get them during the school holidays!!!!) I played on the computer for a while then went to iron a shirt and gave up trying to get the iron to work, so used the old one instead (iron, not shirt).

I had a shower and got dressed, then made us a cup of tea for mid-morning. While it was cooling I unscrewed the handle off the glass sliding door from the family room to the deck because it had been getting difficult to unlock. I was sure it only needed a little adjustment. Yeah right!! A small part inside was broken.

So, morning tea over, we headed off to a nearby shopping centre to three different door and/or hardware shops to see if they could offer us any hope for our 33 year old door handle. No luck – and little prospect either. Next it was to another shopping centre to take the iron for repairs. No luck there either because it’s impossible to get spare parts, and in fact, Braun no longer make irons. Shame because I’ve had two now and they are beautiful irons to use. (Yes, that's right - I actually iron clothes, and don't really mind doing it!!!)

Over to Chinatown in the same shopping centre for lunch ......

Next it was a trip across town to a semi-industrial area to once more take up the cause of the door handle. Two more recommended places and then we finally ended up at a builders’ recycling centre. Hmmmm, not very promising as we rummage around in some bins and buckets of bits and pieces. Young man called us to come up to the back of this huge barn of a building. In a wooden drawer he had found some handles like ours. Oh bliss…..oh blast, the insides of the locks had fallen out. However, a bit more rummaging around and Richard found the part we needed, which we got for free. Well, I mean to say, who else on this earth would want one??

Okay, it’s now about 3.30pm, too late to go to the galleries and I’m too tired anyway, and my feet have long since ceased to exist. So we call into the supermarket instead, but didn’t buy much as I wasn’t in the mood to concentrate. Home at last – and ready to kill for a cuppa. I decided to have a nap and just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang. I sprang up like an Olympic Pole Vaulter in case it was Russ telling us of the arrival of our 4th Grandchild (due today)……but it was Sara wishing us a Happy Anniversary….and still no baby news from Belgium.

However, our day was redeemed by a lovely meal at an Indian restaurant and watching the sun set in a haze of pink over the deep blue mountains.

As we drank a toast to each other, Richard wished for another 41 years..................he had to be joking, surely?....lol.

However many years there are will be fine, so long as we can share them together!


  1. You two are even cuter now than you were then :) Congratulations on a job well done! 41 years of bliss is quite an achievment. Pat yourselves on the back :)
    I'm so glad your mixed up day ended with a wonderful dinner.
    Our 2 oldest children caught chicken pox at Christmas time too...plus they both caught a stomach bug. What fun!
    Ross wants to know what an iron is.
    (He's not funny).

  2. Kerri - I think Ross is hilarious, in fact, I'm still laughing. Shall I send photos - of an iron, I mean?

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both. I'm glad the day worked out in the end and you had a lovely meal. Here's to many more years of wedded bliss.

  4. Oh you do look young and innocent, especially Ross..
    I was just starting 3 yrs of Bible College in Armadale in Melboune.
    200 of us in my year. But did not marry till '79...and was unfortunately not married long....well married 15 but ex moved out with mental breakdown issues from working as a Psychologist.......sound familiar..after 3 yrs.
    So Happy Anniversay.

  5. Happy Anniversary you two lovebirds!

  6. What a lovely anniversary. How rewarding to hunt down and actually find that part that you needed!!

  7. Happy Anniversary to you
    Your plans did go south , very much like my big plan days.

  8. Belated congratulations on your anniversary. Sounds like you had a great day.
    Happy holidays,

  9. Hi Alice, long time no visit... sorry, I'm trying to catch up... and I wanted to tell you to have a Merry Christmas....and also congratulations on 41 years...it sounds like you had a busy day... judy

  10. Never mind the photos, thank you dear. I got out my iron and showed him :)
    Then I actually used it! lol

  11. Congratulations, dear Alice and many happy returns. I also want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed and nice holiday season!

  12. Congratulations......I think DH looks like another DH you are rather fond of.....vbg.
