Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Green, Green Grass of Home

It's hard to believe, but we actually have green lawns at the end of December, thanks to reasonable rains this month and not-too-high temperatures.
I would be a super optimist if I expected it to continue all summer, but it's a nice thought just the same.

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  1. hardly recognise the place!

  2. I can imagine how happy that lovely green expanse makes you both feel.
    Your lawn and gardens are looking very lush and healthy.
    I see the hard working man of the house is out and about, as usual.
    You two do a fantastic job keeping your yard looking beautiful.
    We could actually see our lawn yesterday, after the warm up and snow melt, but this morning a strong, cold wind is blowing the snow straight across the landscape, and our lawn is white once again.

  3. If you will pardon the pun but I'm "green with envy". Aren't you lucky. Green lawn here is still a thing of memories unfortuantely. Have a wonderful New Year.

  4. It's a real treat these days, isn't it?!

    Happy New Year...Ann

  5. Anonymous11:53 am AEDT

    Happy New Year Alice.
    Your lawn is looking good. The sort of lawn you don't mind walking on in your bare feet. I love the feel of lush grass on my feet.
    Thanks for your friendship over the last year.
    Cheers for now,

  6. Dear Alice ~~ I just popped over to wish you a very Happy Birthday for tomorrow the 3rd Jan 2009. I hope you have a lovely day my friend.
    Also I hope you and your husband had a great aniversary in December.
    Lovely to see your green lawns. Mine are not early as green, although the rain in December was good.
    Take care, Love and a Happy New Year as well. Merle.

  7. Isn't it such a blessing. My best Christmas gift. I am still praying for night rains throughout the summer...but accept it may get hot and dry. Veggies are doing so well.
    Have not forgotten the carols....Record is still there..just need to find a tape....need to look of course..lol.
    Thought I would survive this week.

  8. Hmm, there's a nice slope I could roll down...

    In my mind's eye, your property is the size of and as beautiful as any of the States' Botanical Gardens.

  9. What a joy to see green grass , here in the state of Michigan USA it is cold, 28* but the wind chill is much lower. Hi, I am Margaret and hope you don't mind if I drop in and visit.

  10. I would like to wish you a happy birthday and hope you have a great one.

  11. Hello Frances.....

    Happy New year to you and Richard and Happy Birthday to you this day.
    How wonderful to see your summer garden. Here in Wales it is bitterly cold with a very hard frost.
    Enjoy your special day. Marion & John xx

  12. Love summer...well not when it's really hot.
    Nice lawns,ours is still green but I guess it depends what kind of grass you have.
    Happy New Year

  13. Dear Alice ~~ Having another look at those beautiful green lawns. Thanks for your e mail and I am glad you had
    a good birthday.Take care, my friend,
    Love, Merle.

  14. Oh, it looks lovely. I'm new to your blog and just went through some of your old posts -- just lovely, all your gardens! Happy to have found you!
    ~Angela :-)

  15. You are to be commended on your lovely lawns, and all that surrounds them. I love popping into your place for an update on what's happening in the garden. Wish I was retired...

  16. I have to admit I jumped to your blog because your name is Alice. My beautiful little girl is named Alice and I do believe that anyone with that name has the magic touch of making everything they touch more beautiful than they found it. From the looks of your garden, my theory lives on.
