Saturday, August 29, 2009

You Know I Love Clouds....

......especially clouds with character, like these.

I glanced out of the kitchen window late this afternoon and noticed a very dark band of cloud. I grabbed the camera and ran out onto the deck, and only then did I notice the magnificent bank of white clouds above.

The foreground is quite dark as it was fairly late in the day. Perhaps I could have adjusted the camera but I didn't think of it.


  1. I too love clouds, and I think the coloring is perfect...they really do take on a character of their own, don't they....some look angry.. thanks for sharing Alice, and I hope your feeling great, I haven't been by in a while, so I thought I better stop by to say hi..... judy

  2. Sooo beautiful, Alice. I think I was standing right there, feeling that late-afternoon breeze and seeing the sky's changes.

    Your clouds sometimes seem closer, somehow, as if you could just walk a long way out there and almost reach up and put your hand in one.

  3. very dramatic clouds, and not much rain to follow....Seems strange because today is so sunny

  4. Now they would probably be storm clouds here. Did you get any rain from those? I hear Adelaide and Melbourne had a bit of a trouncing last week while we had 36C. Crazy country...crazy weather.

  5. I love clouds also....and they are beautiful photos.
    I was going to a funeral in the morning at 11 then maybe to buy a new camera. But still wide awake at 4.20 am despite taking tablets I took last night and sleeping like a log.
    Not happy ironed the last three shirts remembered man is coming at 9 am to do cableing for TV on computer so cleared the ironing board from in here.
    Maybe now my conscience will be clear.

  6. The azure sky makes a glorious contrast to that impressive bank of white clouds. Gorgeous photos, Alice!
    I was thinking of you early this evening as I was taking pictures of our impressive dark clouds.
    A beautiful sky always brings you to mind :)
    We are back to just the two of us, and it's very quiet around here. We had such a wonderful week.

  7. The cloud bank looks quite dramatic...but I guess it also announced a good weather period, didn't it? I love to see clouds, watching them and dreaming :-) !
    Enjoy Spring time!
