Monday, August 01, 2005

The Circle Grows

In recent weeks my circle of web-logging friends has grown to include three more ladies, in three different States. Ladies who appreciate beauty in their surroundings, anticipation in each day, and fulfilment in the simple things in life.

Ms Robyn lives in the magnificent Blue Mountains in NSW.

Kali enjoys the picturesque scenery around Hobart in Tasmania.

Shell lives in sunny Brisbane, Qld.

I hope these ladies don't mind me 'advertising' their pages, but they are a joy to read, and it's such a pleasure to expand the circle, especially geographically.


  1. well, thankyou ms*Alice ! surprising though as I am in the process of adding more of my favourites and you are one of them. hopefully I will get to it later today :)

  2. Of course I don't mind! I love finding Aussie blogs. There's something comforting about meeting other people with similar interests close to you (well closer than overseas!) don't you think? I've added your link to my page and will pop in regularly for an update from Alice!

  3. Well I am positively chuffed to be added to your blog Alice, and I must say what a delightful place "A Growing Delight" is! Your garden is gorgeous and your pics stunning!

    Thanks so much for dropping by and taking the time to comment on my blog ~ I can't believe that anyone would bother.

    I look forward to getting to know you better & am looking forward to your updates!

    p.s. I will be adding favourite links when I work out

  4. Hi alice! What a nice and stunning picture u have..I really appreciate and u did an awesome job to put this on blog! I just damn love it! May i link ur blog into mine?
