Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Carols by Candlelight

On this beautiful summer's evening I, along with my son and his girlfriend and several thousand other Canberrans, attended the 61st Carols by Candlelight service in Commonwealth Park. It was a wonderful evening of music and relaxation. Most families took a picnic tea to eat on the lawns as they listened to the Christmas music and joined in the singing.

The crowd builds as the sun sets.
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The Hall Village Brass Band and the Woden Valley Choir on Stage 88.
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Candles, like stars.
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Russ and Shannon enjoying the evening.
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Finale in the moonlight.
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  1. Anonymous11:12 pm AEDT

    looks beautiful Alice
    we had our candles in the park concert here the other day aswell

  2. Abe/happy - did you have carols with your candles, too?

  3. What a wonderful evening of music and relaxation, Alice!
    Love the photos!
    Your son and girlfriend are beautiful.

  4. What lovely, Christmas-y photos. Glad you had a good time.

  5. if that doesn't get you in the Christmas spirit nothing will! Beautiful

  6. Anonymous10:48 am AEDT

    yep carols in the cave gardens its called here :-)

  7. It is snowing here in Ohio, and that can put you in a Christmas spirit too.....but I do need the tunes along with the snow.....
