Friday, December 23, 2005


This time last year I had friends whom I had met through work, sport, hobbies, school, and location. Some of them I saw often, others less so, some not for more than 30 years, but we remained in contact at least once a year, and were interested in the happenings in each other's lives.

This year I feel that my circle of friends has increased beyond measure. Of course, I'm talking about my blogging friends. I've only met one of them face-to-face (apart from my family, of course), and yet I feel that I know many of them at least as well as some of my earlier friends.

I feel there are many whose homes I would be welcomed into, as they certainly would be into mine. We have shared in print and photos family histories, daily events, and hopes for the future. We have laughed at some stories and shed tears over others. We have sent comments of encouragement, agreement or disagreement, advice and humour - and always with interest and concern for the recipient. We come in all shapes, sizes, sexes and ages, and we learn tolerance, compassion, understanding and wisdom from each other.

Thank you,
ShellyC for suggesting that I join the world of blogging ("you might meet someone with similar interests" - how's that for an understatement?), and also Chloe and Calidore for your technical advice in the early days. Since then I have travelled the world each day on my computer and met dozens of fellow bloggers doing the same. It's as yet only the 'tip of the iceberg' and I know there are many more friends out there to meet - when time and other commitments will allow.

So, to all of my new friends, thank you for your friendship. May you all have a very happy, safe and blessed Christmas, New Year and holiday season. I look forward to 'visiting' and sharing with you next year.


  1. So glad I have you as a blog neighbor! Have a wonderful magical Christmas and New Year

  2. oh that is lovely, Alice * I too, treasure all my new blogging friends and hope to continue to get to know each of them a little more in 2006.
    Does this post mean you are taking a break from blogging til after Christmas or will you be like me and be on very early Christmas morning before everyone is up?
    Have a wonderful Christmas ((hugs))

  3. Beautfully said Alice. Have a safe and Merry Christmas to you, your family, and friends. We will look forward to blogging in 06.

  4. Alice, I feel exactly the same way toward my blogging friends...I wish I had said it as beautifully as you just did.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday and looking forward to getting to know you even more during 2006.

  5. Thank you Peggy, Robyn, Wendy and Zoey. Christmas hugs being sent you way right now.

    Oh, Ms Robyn - how could I take a break from blogging, even at Christmas? That really would be going 'cold turkey'. No, I'll sneak a few peaks at the screen very early, and maybe a couple more time too.

  6. oh phew ! I thought I was the only one addicted to this blogging...can just see my family's faces now --- what on earth is a blog - is a web an online you continue on and no one has an idea at all just what a blog is - oh, except for us bloggers

  7. You know if you ever land in toledo let me know, I would love to meet you.....I can picture your land by your wonderful pictures... So I hope you will add me to your blogging friends......and I too will no doubt be checking in on Christmas.....after church....the family is not arriving until around why not....cheers! and Merry Christmas

  8. What a lovely post Alice - rest assured I have enjoyed the blogging journey as much as you and I treasure our friendship. Like you and Ms Robyn I'm sure I will be on the puter at least once on Christmas Day and more often during the week between Christmas and New Year. It wouldn't be Christmas without contact with friends.

    Merry Christmas

  9. This is a truly lovely post! I started blogging a year ago and have made so many friends. I think I will be doing a very similar post to recognize all the people that come to visit me at my "home" on the blogosphere!

    Many wishes for many more new friends in the comeing year!

  10. Anonymous7:00 pm AEDT

    Hace a Merry Christmas Alice :-)

  11. Merry, merry Christmas to you and yours dear Alice...*hugs*

  12. Well put, Alice. I feel close to my blogging buddies too -- wherever they may happen to live!

    Merry Christmas and happy new year.

  13. Couldn't have said it better myself. Happy New Year to us all. Susan

  14. You always have the kindest words to say Alice. Sending you a hug and a very Merry Christmas! Looking forward to the New Year.

  15. Anonymous1:16 pm AEDT

    Merry Christmas to you, Alice. Looking forward to 'visiting & sharing' with you in the new year too. And happy holidays to all of you out there!

  16. Merry Christmas to you and your family Alice. We love the tape. It is beautiful. We hope to see you someday, when we are up in your parts or if you are in ours. Happy Holidays!

  17. Wendy - glad the tape arrived before Christmas and that you enjoy it.

    You'll always be welcome if you wander up to Canberra.

    Have a very memorable Christmas - I see you are going to be denied a HOT Christmas after all; only a few degrees warmer than Canada (okay, a fair few more).

  18. Merry Christmas, Alice!

  19. Merry Christmas, Alice! I have enjoyed our blogfriendship!

  20. Merry Christmas Alice! I am glad I meet you. I wish a New Year filled with peace and love! Your friend Sonia, from Brazil.

  21. Just adding my two cents: yes, it's a great community in bloggerworld, and I am so looking forward to following up on the commenters' blogs (those avatars look intriguing). But that turkey needs some basting soon, so I'll just wish you all a wonderful holiday.

  22. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays for you and your family dear Alice from Germany all the way to you in Australia! It's Christmas Morning hear and we've had frost and it's going to snow again tomorrow. It was nice getting to know you these last month and yes I'm a blog addict as well, even on Christmas *blushes*

  23. Merry Christmas, Alice xoxo
