Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Garden Makeover

Yippeee. We're getting a garden makeover.

No, not quite. I rang a landscape designer on Tuesday and asked if he would come and give us some advice concerning some large areas that we want to change. I thought he would probably say that he could come in about two weeks, but no, it's two days. So guess what we've done since Tuesday lunchtime? Worked like crazy to tidy up the deck, pot plants and the garden. Just like a housewife who cleans and tidies the house before the cleaning lady comes.

So now it looks neat and tidy, and best of all, there's a thunderstorm happening right now AND IT'S RAINING!!

View from the bottom of the garden looking up to the road. That house is actually across the other side of the road.

This once was the back lawn. It meets the bottom of the previous photo. All of the area in these two photos was originally meant to be lawn, but we don't need that much lawn anymore, nor can we afford the water to keep them looking good. We hope to reshape this area and plant trees, shrubs, groundcovers, maybe even have a bog garden at the lowest point. It will be interesting to see what ideas the designer comes up with.Posted by Picasa


  1. Just Beautiful Alice....... oh I can't wait until Spring........... it is suppose to be in the mid 50's isn't that a teaser.....?

  2. How exciting! Nothing like a little incentive to get things cleaned up :)
    These photos are do have quite a big yard. What fun to have plenty of space to plant some new things. could you explain a bog garden to me please?
    Enjoy that lovely rain!

  3. How exciting is that!
    It will be interesting to see what the designer thinks up.
    Please keep us posted.

  4. Looking forward to seeing your new garden space, good luck with it!

  5. Kerri - my understanding of a bog garden is an area where the water drains to, either naturally or by design, where you can grow plants that like damp/wet feet, such as hostas and astilbes.

  6. Very exciting Alice! Like the others, I'm looking forward to seeing the end results. Lots of work, but what fun!!

  7. Color me jealous! All that space and someone to tell you what to do with it. Fabulous! I can't wait to see the plans!

  8. I can see it now: Japanese garden of azealeas and mondo grass, Japanese maples and various conifers, following gentle slope, paths meandering here and there, dry stone streambed with a bridge or two going over it, seating in a quiet secluded corner created by some bamboo (careful there). My invoice is in the mail!

    Oh, I must have wandered off in a dream there. Keep us posted, Alice! What fun: you pay the money, do the hard work, and we get to look at the finished product (and updates inbetween).

  9. Great project Alice. Would love to know how you arrived at choosing this landscape designer. Had you heard about him before?

  10. What fun - keep us posted.

  11. Great project Alice, looking forward to seeing it progress. Marion

  12. Val - you are so funny, aren't you? Actually, when I read your comment I wondered if you had been eavesdropping; lots of great ideas there.

    Stuart - CB has been very well known in this city for many years, and also writes a gardening column in the local paper. Canberra readers will automatically know to whom I am referring.

    Abe/happy - so glad that the Snowdrops are on their way. You won't be disappointed with them, at least not for about 20 years when they'll have taken over your entire garden ... lol.

    Thank you all for your interest and encouragement.
