Tuesday, February 21, 2006

While the cat's away, the mice do play...

...or in this case, while the husband is housebound with a sore foot, the wife has free rein in the vegetable garden.

Well, almost free rein. Since Richard operates the vegie gardens on a five-year rotation, I had to ask what type of plants I was allowed to plant in each particular bed. So in the last two days I've carted barrowloads of compost and dug it in, spread dry manure and blood'n'bone with abandon, planted lettuces, cabbages, cauliflowers, rocket, beetroot, leeks, capsicum (probably too late) and silver beet, watered them like there's no restrictions, and artistically decorated the beds with snail bait. I'm hoping for a couple more coolish days to give the seedlings the best chance of establishing. They were all grown from seed by Richard and some had gotten a bit long and lank. Still, they're in the ground now, with more hope of survival than they had in a plastic punnet.

Richard spends Spring and early Summer all enthusiastic about the vegie garden but as time goes on things get let go a bit and empty beds don't get replanted (which drives me nuts), so I was pleased to get the chance to do some planting while the weather has been a bit cooler.

Oh, I nearly forgot, I restacked the compost heaps too. What a feeling of satisfaction to see all that material on the verge of becoming garden treasure.


  1. Wow, the invigoration of going to the gym carried right through to the next day apparently! You certainly got a good stroke of work done. Makes me long to get my hands into the nice warm garden soil. (Not the cold stuff we have right now).
    What did poor Richard do to his foot? I hope it gets better soon.
    Is rocket an herb? I'd be interested to know it's uses.
    Glad the weather has cooled off a bit for you. Keep up the good work!

  2. You've had cooler weather? You lucky thing!

    Nothing like getting out and getting dirty, good on you Alice. You'll have some more lovely vegies in no time :)

  3. Kerri - Rocket is an awesome herb. Great for salads it has quite a bitter taste but can make an average garden salad an absolute winner.

    Alice - I have an apology to you as my post today. I'm sorry I missed your tag - I wasn't ignoring you. I'm very envious of your vegie gardening, I still haven't started that part of the garden yet.

  4. I am having a cup of tea right now, because I am tired just from reading what all you did.... I would give anything to have my hubby back, and working in the yard together......

    I would love to walk through your garden of beauty..... I gave a presentation in Church on Flowers from the Bible......and most of them were herbs as we know them.... it was a very interesting subject, and I bought the herbs and have them planted in my herb garden now.....

    Don't forget to stop for that cup of tea Alice.......if it's hot their you better make it iced.....

  5. Whew! It makes me tired, too, from reading all you got accomplished! Good for you!

  6. ahhh ~ I love it. A perfect way to spend a day...I'm hooked on my vegetable patches, and so rewarding even to a novice like me.

  7. spread dry manure and blood'n'bone with abandon

    oooh, I HATE it when HE spreads that stuff in the garden. I know it's good, but...phew!

  8. Kerri - Stuart has given you a pretty fair description of Rocket, although I'd say it's more spicy and peppery than bitter. It's one of those plants that every time you walk passed it you pick a leaf to eat.

    Judy - hot tea every time for me, even if the weather's hot. Iced tea is definitely not a regular over brew here.

    Val - you must be buying the wrong brand! I'm quite partial to the smell of blood'n'bone; it has a nice earthy smell about it.

  9. WOW...your energy level is fantastic...It puts me to shame. After reading all the things that you got accomplished today, as soon as the snow is off the ground and the weather warms a bit, I am getting out in that garden and getting started. You gardening gals are titans.

  10. so tell me, how did Richard cope with you doing all of this to 'his' vegie patch. you will need a muscle rub with all the exercise you have done. a good cup of tea and a scone to go with it!

  11. The rest of the world waits for warmer weather to plant but your waiting for colder weather. Funny. I love Rocket.

  12. Compost = garden treasure. I love it! I'm renaming my composter to my treasure box.
