Thursday, December 28, 2006

Goodbye 2006

This will probably be my last posting for 2006 as we're going away for a few days, down to Victoria. By the time we get back it will be less than 360 days until Christmas ..... lol.

I'd like to wish all my blog friends and readers a very safe and relaxing holiday and an enjoyable, successful and rewarding 2007.

One garden looked a little bit colourful so I thought I'd overdo the photography just a bit ... lol.

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  1. Anonymous7:12 pm AEDT

    Hi Alice..Hope you had a Merry Christmas,photo's are great.
    See you in 2007 "CHEERS"

  2. May the new year 2007, be enriched with many blessings for you and your family dear Frances. I’ve valued your friendship immensely throughout 2006 and for that I thank you.
    Have a wonderful trip to Victoria.
    Much love - Marion

  3. Anonymous11:09 pm AEDT

    What a great way to end this year's blog posting - with your beautiful gardens! You are an inspiration to all of us without green thumbs. Have a great trip, see ya next year!

  4. Happy New Year, Alice. As always, your photos are stunning. I wish I had your green thumb. Have a wonderful holiday and be sure to bring back plenty of pictures for sharing. See you later, alligator.

  5. It's amazing to me that plants will survive and bloom with very little water. Your garden looks so pretty and the trees are a beautiful backdrop. That's a lovely blue sky with the puffy clouds.
    I hope you have a wonderful time in Victoria Alice.
    May 2007 bring that much-needed rain, and SOON! Wishing you and Richard abundant blessings, especially good health throughout this new year. Love and hugs to you Sweet Alice xoxox

  6. Anonymous3:58 am AEDT

    Boy, those pics were just what I needed.

    Happy new year, Alice!

  7. Anonymous8:25 am AEDT

    Happy New Year.

    Hope you have a wonderful break away.

    Love your garden.

  8. Thanks for the lovely photos. I hope you and Richard have a wonderful holiday in what used to be called The Garden State. May those times return for us all again soon.

  9. Anonymous9:37 pm AEDT

    it is amazing how the garden gets by without alot of water - safe travels to you, Alice!

  10. You couldn't possibly 'overdo' the photos. I love looking at your gardens. If mine looked even a bit like yours, I wouldn't feel the desire to go visit local gardens. Have a wonderful 'holiday'..

  11. Anonymous12:46 pm AEDT

    Beautiful! I hope that you have a wonderful holiday, and that you "overdo" some more photos again when you return.

  12. Anonymous1:14 am AEDT

    Have a Happy New Year!
    Love, Joy, Health and Peace!

  13. Anonymous4:12 am AEDT

    Lovely garden photos.
    Happy New Year Alice!

  14. With so little rain and you can still get that border to flower beautifully. Wish you lived closer Alice- l could do with a bit of advice for my front garden. Since we set about making way for the drive the look had gone downhill to say the least. All the best for 2007 my friend- l am glad to have met you.
    Much love and hope you are having a grand time.

  15. Anonymous9:43 pm AEDT

    Your garden is so lovely, Alice. Mr. Wonderful and I we wish you a happy new year!


  16. Beautiful, thank you. Your garden has been an inspiration to me as I am struggling to get things to grow in sand, but to see your pictures is to make me more determined to get my little patch to bloom.

    Hope your trip is everything you hope it will be...


  17. Hi Alice, I hope you had a great Christmas. I'm just stopping by to wish you a fabulous 2007...Happy New Year!

  18. Happy New Year to you and yours, Alice!! Always love seeing new pictures of your garden...beautiful!!

  19. Anonymous8:01 pm AEDT

    Alice, "Happy new year" to you and your family and friends. I am happy to have met you here on the blog and look forward to many more chats over this coming year. may all your hopes and dreams for this year fill your days.

    I am sorry it has taken this long to contact you but I have been so very wound up in my own sorrow that it took a lot of good friends and family to drag me back from all the sorrow to find that life can go on with happiness after the loss of my dear auntie.

    thank you for your support and friendship over the past months. I just love the photos you share with us and am so happy to see them always. Your garden is such a credit to you and your hubby the flowers bloom so nicely with the little water you can give them good for you!

    see you lots in 2007 best wishes Lee-ann
