Sunday, May 20, 2007

"Once Upon a (second) Time ...."

(blogger seems intent upon either devouring the photos or squeezing out the comments - maybe I'll have another go tomorrow!!!)

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  1. That garden looks fun! Is that in the Hunter Valley too?
    I would love to go & have a look.

    I dont know what it is with blogger, but I have had trouble all day today.

  2. Ah, now I can comment!
    What an amazing place this is Alice! I'll bet you'd love to take your grandchildren there. Wandering through it must take one back to their childhood. And to think it's so close to where we use to live. If we ever get over for a visit we must put this on our list of places to see.
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures!
    I hope you had a nice, wet Monday. xox

  3. Anonymous10:45 am AEST

    This is an interesting garden. My boys would really love it.

  4. Now that is something that is fun. Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite children's books.

  5. I'm always touched by the imagination and ingenuity it must take to create a place like this. I think it must take people who keep the child-like awe and free imagination active. Thanks for sharing this with so many of us who will probably never see it otherwise.

  6. This is just too cute! You have the neatest places to visit over there - or is it down there?

    Thanks for taking us on your treks.

  7. Alice how lovely I can just see a big family picnic there with grandchildren running in all directions not knowing what to see first.

    I ahve love this post even if it did take a long time to down load on my silly computer at least I can see the great pictures.

    Have a nice evening

  8. what a cute lot of pics, must have been a fun place to check out. I need to get out and about with my new camera but am busy washing baby clothes and car seat covers and moses basket sheets lol But promise to take heaps of the baby and blog them lol.
    take care of yourself for now

  9. Anonymous4:32 am AEST

    What a fun garden to walk around in! How fun to take along kids in this, making them appreciate it too :-)

  10. sorry, but I don't agree. While I love the landscaping otherwise, I'd rather have more mystery. For example, I love the closed stack of books at the entrance gates, but not the open book. I did like the giant mushrooms though. At least, the figures have not conformed to the Disney version the way Santa Claus is almost universally the Coke version these days!!

  11. Anonymous1:08 am AEST

    Surely that is not your back garden? It is delightful. You're so lucky gardening in Aus where you have so much sun (and rain can be replaced with a watering can ...)
    What lovely photos you post up here! I came via Merle's blog. She told me to look down her Aussie links as I remarked I never meet anyone from down under and yet I have so many links with Australia I was very nearly BORN there ...
    If you want to drop by mine you're most welcome; I'm at - that's my online journal. Everything else I do's linked up through that.
    This is an excellent blog, I'll definitely be coming back. I wonder do you know my friend Ruth who has a gardening blog?
    well worth a look, seriously.
    OK see you later!
    Take care
    Gledwood "vol 2" ...

  12. Hi Alice ~~ These photos are fabulous and it is such a great idea to make
    a storybood garden. It is lovely!!
    You have some wonderful photos of
    various gardens and you take great photos and they ar all beautiful. I would like to print them all. That Panderud Palm is amazing.
    Take care, Love, Merle.

  13. Anonymous9:46 am AEST

    What a cool place!

  14. Anonymous2:30 am AEST

    Yes it is a v cool place! Amazing ...

    I actually was trying to Google Merle's blog ... so typical my comment to you should actually come up in the Google listing! hahaha!

    Take care
    see you later

