Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bruges.......My Version

Whilst staying in Belgium with Russ and Shannon I inadvertantly left about 800 of my photos on Russ's computer instead of transferring them to my Flash Drive. Yesterday I received them on a CD (thank you, Shannon) and they are now where they belong....on my computer.
Consequently, all of the photos used in my last posting on Bruges were taken by Richard, but I couldn't resist going through mine and picking out a 'few' for a second post. I admit that several of them are similar to the earlier ones, but I plead your indulgence as I have 'missed' them so
What is it about roof lines that I have to keep photographing them?

The Lake of Love.

The water flows right through under this house.

The white swans have left the canals to the tourists.

Was it the Town Hall or another Church?

So that's where the chocolate went!

I should have bought more beautiful Belgian lace.

More rooflines.

100 different beers, each with its own unique glass.

The street scenes just beg to be photographed.

Beauty on every post.

A lovely way to see Bruges.


In almost every town we visited there was a Church or Cathedral with breathtaking carvings, painting, sculptures, and magnificent stained glass windows.

Many of them had the most ornately carved pulpits.


Bridge dating from around the 14th Century.


  1. Anonymous8:33 am AEST

    Character is what it is about those roof tops. That is what I love about old buildings. They make great photograph. An absolutely gorgeous place.

  2. How Lovely! I would love to be there! The chocolate sounds divine!

  3. So nice to hear from you, especially because it reminded me to check your blog and see the WONDERFUL pictures from Bruges. I had no idea what a beautiful city it is! A city famous for its own waffles, chocolate and lace has to be great! I've enjoyed your photo tour very much.

  4. It is a beautiful town. Aren't European towns so much different to here? They are so quaint, historical and interesting. I love the roof lines too. The stained windows are lovely.
    I have a bloggy friend who lives in Belgium you might like to visit her blogs.

  5. It’s so nice site. We love to see more on this site. Keep on updating… MonkAreRee Bali ***

  6. That's so strange to see the cities of the country I am living in on an Australian blog !! I just scrolled through, but couldn't find where your son lives. It's a real pity that we didn't know each other, we could have met in Waterloo ! Next week I'll probably go to Antwerp to meet another blogger girl, I haven't met yet. We are not yet sure about the day.
    Most of the cities you have seen in Belgium are on my country and cities blog, lol !

  7. I'm glad you shared some of the photos that you took from you trip as well---now that they have arrived in Australia. Makes me want to visit Belgium.

  8. No pleading necessary. The more, the merrier! That last! Those buildings have so much history, and the vines add a great deal to the beauty.
    They sure knew how to build bridges that would last!
    Oh my, that ornate pulpit is amazing, and what a glorious building! Lots of oohing and aahing there.
    Those rooflines are so photogenic :) And the canals look so serene.
    Umm..chocolate and delicate lace...lovely. Yes, probably should've bought more :)
    That building in the first photo is very colourful and ornate, and so picturesque with the horses and buggies lined up in front. Worthy of multiple shots.
    But "Peepo" is my favourite :)
    Well done, both you and Richard.
