Thursday, April 06, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Despite Tanya's best efforts to teach me how to do 'Thursday Thirteen' using all the codes, etc. I still haven't succeeded. Tanya hoped that her instructions weren't all 'Greek' to me, but they might as well have been. Hence my subject this week is

"What I Hate about being Computer Illiterate -
because I don't know how to do these things, or understand the instructions!"
1. Change my blog page to something more interesting.
2. Buy on the Internet. (That could be dangerous anyway.)
3. Sell on the Internet.
4. Set up an Internet business.
5. Decorate emails with natty pictures.
6. Know how to stop iTunes being such a crappy program.
7. Add music to my blog.
8. Know how to fix a program if isn't working properly.
9. Or even KNOW if it isn't working properly!!
The rest are just character, not mental, defects.
10. How to wean myself off the computer and my need to check it several times a day just in case .......
11. How to stop storing hundreds (thousands ?) of comments and other emails on the computer.
12. How to delete photos that I will never look at again.
13. How to stop thinking the computer and I are in a battle that I am going to lose!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1. Tanya

4. elle

5. chi
7. mary
10. mar
11. norma
12. jen
13. stacey
16. karin
17. susan
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. Right on time with your '13' today! Actually, for us, you're early. It's still Wednesday night here :) I think you're going to gets lots of advise pouring in on how to do some of these things :) I absolutely can't help you with 10, 11 and 12! You do nicely decorating emails with pictures.
    Don't be too hard on yourself can do LOTS of things well!

  2. Love it. When you work out the answers to all of them, please let us all

  3. I know how to delete stuff from my computer without even trying. When I look back on my computer years (6 years now) I am amazed at how far I have come and how much I have learnt. I am not even scared of right clicking anymore! and you are one up on me - I have no idea how to get itunes - I don't even own an ipod and when I ask ms*sophie to let me borrow hers - hmmm not happening.
    what I came to say today is it sure must be cold in your part of the world, 'cause its freezing here. I have just lit a fire!

  4. Excellent!! Who put all that extra stuff down the bottom, I wonder? Now you have to visit some other Thirteener's sites and leave a comment with them. Then they'll come and leave a comment with you. Then you edit your post, and add their name to your list (in the green section).

    Check out the Thursday 13 list on my sidebar for sites to visit. Visit as few or as many as you like, but be sure to leave a comment on their post.

    Have fun.

  5. Anonymous8:06 pm AEST

    I havent sold stuff on the internet in forever, but it was so worth it to get rid of a ton of stuff I never used.

    My TT is up at greenr, which focuses on making energy, community, and personal life greener and better for both us and the planet we all share.

  6. Anonymous8:49 pm AEST

    Hi, I just read Tanya's 13 (as she has just visited mine) and thought I'd call in and say welcome.

  7. I love buying on the internet. And you're right - it is dangerous!

    Came by via Tanya's TT
    My TT is up
    Elle x

  8. Your daughter sent me over today from her site!

    I'm addicited to my computer as well. I'm almost compulsive about it. When did I become a nerd? :)

    My list is here

  9. Some comments:

    1. Change my blog page to something more interesting.
    Don't change anything, it's great as is!
    5. Decorate emails with natty pictures.
    I can show you how to do that, Alice

    10. How to wean myself off the computer and my need to check it several times a day just in case .......
    I know the feeling!
    11. How to stop storing hundreds (thousands ?) of comments and other emails on the computer.
    But it's so nice to reread the ones from special people
    12. How to delete photos that I will never look at again.
    See No. 10
    13. How to stop thinking the computer and I are in a battle that I am going to lose!
    Nah, computers are your friends, you just have to know when to say the party's over for the night

  10. Anonymous10:55 pm AEST

    #7 is scarey! I can never figure out how to find the little area and turn it off. I hate music on blogs. LOL The rest is easy to figure out. Good Luck! Great list!

    MY TT is up @

  11. Anonymous11:01 pm AEST

    Hey....don't worry to much about it all!!! I've been at this computer stuff for several years and still learning!!! And 'we seniors' can always blame it on just that....senior moments. hehehehehe

    My T T is up. Drop by when you can...this week for my 13-- all for the fun of it!!

  12. I can relate to your list! I am one of the few persons in the world who hasn't bought/sold a single item throug ebay, lol! But I'd rather not add music to my blog, it is often annoying to most people! My TT from sunny Spain is up! here via your daughter :)

  13. Sister, you do need a little help, but it's probably to your advantage if you don't learn how to order on-line!

    Your template looks fine to me.

    Thanks for visiting my TT.

  14. I can show you how to add music. As for your blog I can show you how to change the colors but I can't change my background to a design no matter how hard I try!

  15. You crack me up!

    I use my computer a lot, and I've gotten more savvy over time, but I still can't figure out how to add music or video to my blog... I think it may be hopeless for me.

    My 13 is up!

  16. Way to go Mum! Do what I do, call your daughter and let her fix it for you. My daughter started me on this journey so I tell her she has to fix my addiction! Welcome to your second TT (are you sure you still like Tanya? just kidding!)

  17. Anonymous8:01 am AEST

    Well that is what daughters are for right? :) I'm here via your daughter's blog btw.

  18. Well, this looks like fun.....maybe I'll give it a try next week. I'm like you Alice, will have to see if I can set it up first!!!
    With #5 Alice, not sure what natty means....but I use Email stationary, that I get on the web for free that's easy to use. When I email you I will use one, and it's a safe site, so you can go there and have a look. They give easy instructions how to download. If you mean animated sayings or pics, those are GIF's and if you Google for them, you will find loads. Animated Factory comes to mind. They have some free ones. Ask your daughter for help on how to use them, or I'll explain in an email if you want.

  19. This is a GREAT list. I totally understand feeling behind on the computer...I just find someone who's half my age (or younger) to help out. They know SO MUCH more than I at this point. The good thing CAN keep learning, though, right???

  20. welcome to t13 world! you will love it and be addicted in no time!

  21. Another worm has just snuck in and updated all your TT links. Now all YOU have to do is click on the link and say hi to the people in your list.

    Next week - a lesson in autolink :)

  22. Tanya - your type of worm I welcome any time. In fact, I think I love you more than I love my compost worms.

    Thank you, thank you, so much. I started adding the links but found it so time-consuming. I think I would prefer to use the auto-link, and just hope that people will still leave a comment or two.

    Thank you my darling. You are a gem of a worm!

  23. Anonymous3:47 pm AEST

    I know how infuriating it is to try and master the computer :-)I am notorious for playng around with everything in it just to see what it does - then finding I shouldnt have touched something *woops*

  24. I love your topic! I feel so computer illiterate, especially when I look at the different things that some people have been able to do on their blogs.

    Even though I don't know how to do the cool codes either, my codeless Thursday Thirteen is up.

  25. Anonymous11:19 am AEST

    I'm new to this blog world and if it weren't for my daughter's help I would have stopped trying to understand how this all works..because it all is a mystery to me...
