Saturday, October 27, 2007

Surely, only a Mother ......

.... could love these Crimson Rosella chicks.
We're not very hopeful of the last two eggs hatching.
Names? My brother suggested
'Rose', 'Ella' and 'Son of Crim'.
(You're a sad case, C.)
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  1. ..there are human babies out there that only a mother could love!!! They are usually the ones that turn into stunning adults though!!!

  2. Aw gee, EVERYBODY loved you as a baby, Shelle. So what does that make you now?

  3. What odd-looking fuzzballs they are!

    Perhaps the last two eggs will still hatch - after all, didn't the eggs appear one by one over quite a prolonged period? I'm living in hope, anyway!

  4. Bautiful babies, I'd say. They seem to grow allright. Wait a couple of days, and you'll see how lovely they'll be.

  5. Anonymous4:15 pm AEST

    Oh my goodness! No wonder they are unable to leave the nest - it's not because their feathers haven't grown, it's because they are not fit for public viewing yet!

  6. A giggle was needed today... thank you. The birds are SO beautiful when attired, it made me laugh to see what looked like a couple of piles of fuzzy mold.. lol.. I love surprise wonderful endings...I love ugly seeds that turn out the most intricate beautiful plants. So glad you're able to share these pictures

  7. Love your brother's sense of humor!

    Whew, they do look like they've been whupped with an ugly stick...

  8. Oh my..they're! But really, they're cute, in a helpless sort of way :)
    So how will you sort out the genders for the names? LOL
    I think you and your brother share a very similar sense of humour :)
    I hope those last 2 eggs hatch.

  9. Anonymous4:53 am AEDT

    Its fascinating to see these chick. i can't wait to see them as they grow. Fingers crossed for the other two. sara from farmingfriends

  10. Dont they look odd!
    I hope the other 2 hatch. It is so nice to know the Rosellas are still breeding.
