Tuesday, November 02, 2010

'The Man About The House' ......

..... this afternoon became 'the man about the garden' and took a few photos - 110 photos to be exact!!! Here are just a few...

Roses, lemons and Virginia Creeper




These irises were dug up from another garden three years ago, left in a box for months until they looked like wizened up corks. I planted about 80 of them along the fence in the vague hope that one or two might eventually flower, and this year they have come up trumps. I'm thrilled not to have lost this purple and white one, though it looks like a couple of other special ones may have 'gone to God'.

I now have dozens of the next two, and also some others which I bought last year, but they don't look like flowering this year.


Celery and potatoes

Broad Beans

Lettuce and onions (gone to seed)

Smoke Bush budding up.

'Rambling Rector' doing likewise.



Boysenberry flowers.


New solar lights.

Still more pansies.

Japanese Maples.


  1. Just so lovely, Alice. Obviously 'Man About The House' is very, very proud of your garden ... and rightly so. I'm so jealous ... I would simply love to have soil I can dig into and create fabulous garden beds.

    Your vegie garden is brilliant ... looks like a fabulous harvest. The Pansies are gorgeous, but those Irises are just beautiful. I simply adore the purple and white Iris. What a shame the other special ones didn't come through.

  2. That vegie garden is disgustingly perfect......I had one that was pretty good once....LOL.
    Any spare Iris could always have a good southern home......yep I am cheeeky.
    Tell me if you can....what is that pink crab apple of yours called???? ...it is the last one I purchased because I had seen it in blook but it did not have a label.
    It is looking beautiful and I am already jealous of the rector...have not found him yet. Not that I know where he will live....but he has to fit somewhere. I am still trying to work out why I pulled out the banksia rose.....maybe it was the fence?

  3. How very beautiful, Alice!!! I love that you share so much of the work and enjoyment of your garden.

    I've seen very few lemon trees, and have NEVER seen them in so close a proximity to roses---they both seem to be quite happy with their neighbors. You could just post a couple of dozen of the pictures every day til you run out---we'd love to see them all.

    And your lavender has the largest blooms I've ever seen---ours is calling it a day right now. I mercilessly whacked it low the other day, and we hung great swags of it amongst the leaf garlands in the upstairs decorations. When it's dry, there are little bags awaiting their sachets.

    And I love what you said about the iris---would that we all could plant our own little dried corks and come up TRUMPS.

  4. I'm glad to see Richard is enjoying his camera. 110 photos, eh? Looks like he's caught the bug :) It's really easy to take that many once you get started...you know how that is ;)
    And what a garden he has to photograph! Ah to have such Roses...and lemons...and Lavender...and that breathtaking Jasmine!
    I see Sweet Alice tucked in with the Violas. Mine is still braving the cold. You should see the frost this morning - brrr!
    That purple and white Iris is glorious! I've done the same thing with the rhizomes. They're amazingly durable, aren't they? I'm glad you had quite a few survivors. Ross and I have wondered about those new ones you bought. Too bad you'll have to wait to see their flowers, but it's something to look forward to :)
    Richard's veggie garden is picturesque, to say the least. Do you feed the entire neighborhood? Looks like you could :)
    Ahhh, that gorgeous Lilac.
    Love the Smokebush!
    And pansies galore - love those bright faces!
    Elegant new lights...lovely!
    I'd love to add a Japanese Maple to our garden. Those leaves are gorgeous.
    Your garden is such a credit to you and Richard - a work of art with so much love poured into it.
    I hope the man of the garden goes out often with his camera in hand :)

  5. wow - the vegies have taken off since we were there. Love the new solar lights too.

    word verification: driptall

  6. very very nice. I know a little girl who will love smelling all those flowers

  7. So many beautiful plants. Just wonderful.
