Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Chinese Garden of Friendship

On our recent trip to Sydney we visited the Chinese Garden of Friendship, which is nestled at the south end of Darling Harbour and a short walk from Chinatown. This was a second visit, the first being in June 2005. We must make sure that our next visit is in the summer time when the trees are in leaf. However, these gardens are beautiful even in mid-winter, and delightfully relaxing even whilst surrounded by high-rise buildings close by.

Entering the gardens is like walking backwards in time into the quiet solitude of ancient Chinese architecture and its relationship with nature.

The garden combines the elements of water, plants, stone and architecture.

Running water, towering willow trees, cool lagoons with lotus plants and large colourful fish all make this an idyllic spot to read a book or recharge your batteries.

The gardens occupy several acres combining waterfalls, lakes, pavillions, sculpture and animals; the fish and the ibis.

The key features to look out for are the Courtyard of Welcoming Fragrance, Dragon Wall, Water Pavillion of Lotus Fragrance, Twin Pavillion, Gurr, Rock Forest, and the Penjing.

I hope you enjoyed your photographic stroll through these lovely gardens. A few leafier photos can seen on my blog post for June 2005.

(Most of the text for this post was taken from the Internet.)


  1. Anonymous2:45 pm AEST

    Love it. It's all just like Suzhou!!!

  2. Two days ago!! How have I missed this? Oh, Alice---aside from the delightful tours through your own lovely gardens at all seasons, this is my very favorite photo-tour of all time!

    It's the most serenely beautiful, What-Century-Is-It place I've ever been. And the entire magical place seems to just BE, brought into being and just going through Time without the touch of hands.

    The only gardeners in evidence are the two big rough stone sculptures against the wall, earnestly discussing how DID that other tiny Bonsai grow into such a gangly teenager overnight.

    Simply marvelous, and I SO thank you for sharing something I'd otherwise have never seen and enjoyed so much.

  3. I can imagine the peaceful feeling that prevails as you stroll through those beautiful gardens. It sure is a stark contrast to the busy city and tall buildings. I hope the people who work in the city are able to utilize it as a peaceful escape from the busyness of their work day.
    Your photo tour is a wonderful treat, dear Alice. Thank you for sharing these lovely scenes with us.

  4. Wow, what a delightful place. I've been to darling Harbour often but never found this gem. Must look out for it next time.
    Great family header.

  5. A beautiful sight indeed...what a joyest trip that must have been... thanks for sharing.... judy

  6. Greetings from an Aussie who's been sunk in Kansas City for over 30 years. I still pine for my Sydney garden and the natives of my grandparents farm in NW NSW. But I've learned to embrace the four seasons especially Autumn. I've enjoyed perusing your blog.
