Sunday, October 23, 2011

As a Prelude .....

...... to some of the magnificent gardens we visited yesterday at the Bundanoon Garden Ramble, I thought I should post a few photos from my own garden first as they will fade into insignificance when compared to the nine delightful gardens open for display in the beautiful little town of Bundanoon, in the Southern Highlands south of Sydney. I took 165 photos of those gardens, so you can imagine how impressed I was. Of course, Richard took nearly as many.
I admire these irises not only for their lovely flowers but also for their hardiness. I dug them up from another garden about four years ago, left them in a cardboard box for nine months, until they looked like withered up corks, then planted them as I wanted to get rid of the box! They all grew and began flowering the second year.
This birdbath was given to us by our son-in-law's Swiss parents one Christmas. Alas, it became rusty and continually discoloured the water. Richard painted it with special bronze paint and it looks very handsome now in the garden - even more so when visited by our very tame magpie, Rossini.

Wordsworth wrote about "a field of golden daffodils", but I don't know if anyone has waxed lyrical about "a garden of Californian poppy escapees"? But they are beautiful just the same.

The heady perfume of the lilac is matched by the glorious flowers. These are actually a deep mauve/purple with each petal edged in white.

Some of my Bearded Irises are flowering for the first time this year. The sunshine was a little too bright this morning but the lowest flower is fairly true to colour. It's called Tijara Blackjack.

A Western Australian native, Eremophyla Nivea, with velvety silver leaves and the prettiest lavender coloured flowers.

There they are again ... with a Crab Apple in the background.

Another Aussie native, Alagoyne (Native Hibiscus) with a Curry plant (Helichrysum italicum) behind.

Another first time flowerer - 'Zambezi'.

A clump of 'ordinary' yellow irises.

This was found by a neighbour on the roadside.

'Zambezi' again.

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  1. Hi Alice, my first time reading your blog & Im most impressed, especially with all those poppies and also your WA natives, your garden looks beautiful. thanks for sharing!

  2. Simply beautiful! Loved the Irises and the Alagoyne. The flowering Crab Apple tree is just stunning and so is that Eremophyla. I would love to be able to smell Lilac in reality. How wonderful that you can grow it. I have to say that that big sway of Poppies was perhaps my favourite bit today.

  3. I would love a field of those delightful escapees. And your throw our iris tend to be my treasures as mine have not flowered for years till now. Love the red on.

  4. You have a beautiful garden ... all those gorgeous flowers. Soo pretty. Thanks for sharing. Take care, Connie

  5. The Californian poppies amaze me.

  6. OH, thank you Alice! These faraway glimpses are just so bright and cheerful and glorious, especially on this day which started at 34 degrees F.

    I so love your garden, and especially love the fact that you must have a magical spell which absolutely prohibits any weed from peeking out amongst the perfection. And the NAMES of the plants are like some great compendium of learned scholars or renowned inventors (or perhaps their pets), and sometimes maybe even a not-too-serious disease.

    Hope October's being good to you!

