Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Update on Edna

I just rang my brother who spent 8 hours with Edna yesterday. He said that everything is going well, although she was a little depressed because she still felt tired and a bit weak. This was not unexpected as she has not been at all well for the past six months. However, all the 'vital signs' are good and she is out of bed and walking around and eating a little more. She may well be coming home at the weekend.

Once again, I deeply appreciate your prayers, support and good wishes from around the world. Thank you, thank you all.


Val said...

That all sounds very encouraging. Feeling a bit tired a weak would be pretty normal at this stage, I would think. Message to Edna: try not to plan any bushwalking, house renovations, dancing lessons and similar activities for at least, oh say, a couple of days...!

Kerri said...

So glad to hear that Edna is out of the woods and doing well. It always seems to take longer than we expect to get back to normal I think. Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with her your brother. Hope all is well with you too!
Thanks for the update.

Jellyhead said...

Thanks for the news, Alice. Hope your sis-in-law gets her energy back soon.

Hope you're OK, too, with all the emotional ups & downs you will have been through.

A big hug to you,
from Jelly

Kali said...

Thanks for the update Alice ~ I've been checking in.
Slowly, slowly. I pray for her continued recovery.
Have a lovely day my friend :)

Judy Birmingham said...

Hi, Alice, I've heard that depression is a common occurrence after any surgery, but particularly heart surgery. Sometimes it helps to know that its a normal occurence and that it will pass. Continued good wishes for her speedy recovery.

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

My BIL had triple heart bypass and they said that depression was quite normal after that type of surgery. Hope she gets on her feet soon. You take care of yourself. I'll keep you both in my prayers.

kylieps said...

Hi Alice,
I just popped in to see why I haven't seen a comment in Mum's blog lately- And I'm so sorry to hear it's something like this. Both you and Edna are in my thoughts and prayers.

Miss Robyn said...

hope she continues to get better. xoxo

Kerri said...

Just checking in to see if there's any change. Will keep praying for Edna and you as well. Take care of yourself. You're in my thoughts as always.

Sandy said...

Hopefully it will be soon for Edna to start feeling better. I'm glad to hear she is up and about.