Sunday, June 17, 2007

Old Habits Die Hard

During 30 odd Canberra winters, the oft heard cry in this house was "Shut the door", ie. passage door, loungeroom door, family room door, or nearly any other door, in order to try and keep the heat in the rooms in which we happened to be at that moment. No need to worry too much about the bedroom doors because there was no heating in them anyway.
Having had ducted heating installed last week, we now have to reverse the habits of the last 3 decades. The doors have to be left open so that the warm air can circulate and find its way back to the return air vent in the front hallway. I'm now opening doors almost at the same rate that I used to close them, especially as I don't think Richard quite believes that the rooms will stay warmer with the doors open. Seems illogical, doesn't it?
The heating was been very welcome during this very cold week, and it really got a good workout during Tuesday morning's -5º frost. I happily report that it was more than adequate to the task.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Joy of a Warm House

After almost 32 years in this house - it's finally WARM!

Having only had a gas heater on the loungeroom wall at one end of the house, and no heating at all in the bedrooms throughout Canberra winters, the ageing bones finally told us that it was time to spoil ourselves a little and install ducted heating.

Yesterday it was switched on for the first time and the difference is amazing. It's not just that I'm comfortably warm whichever room I walk into, but also the absence of 'shock' when going into unheated rooms or cold patches.

No, we didn't freeze for 32 years, although my children may try and tell you otherwise.

No longer will my grandchildren be able to say, "No, we're not going to Grandma's, it's too cold over there."

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Fauna and Flora - a couple of Aussie Natives

These two Magpies sat in a Eucalypt tree and warbled melodiously for shoppers at Hall markets on Sunday.

(I can't believe they've gone again! ...STUFF IT!)

Despite the cold of a Canberra winter and continuing lack of rain there are still a few spots of colour in the garden, such as this Native Hibiscus. It flowers almost continuously throughout the year with brilliant purple flowers. The leaves are very similar to the lemon-scented pelargonium. I also have a white variety of the hibiscus, but it is yet to flower.

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

"What a Difference a Day Makes" or "Five Months and a Little Rain"!

Last Wednesday we drove from Canberra to Wangaratta and home again on Thursday. This is the same trip that we did at New Year, but what a change of scenery then and now. Below are eight photos taken from the Mt Parnassas Lookout above Gundagai - four taken at New Year and four taken on Thursday. I'm sure you'll agree that the difference is remarkable and very pleasing.
However, don't for one moment think that the drought is over. There has been enough rain to green the grass, put a little water in the dams and wash off the dust. Winter has arrived and it's now too cold for there to be any growth to the grass, and I fear that much of the real pasture has died out only to be replaced by weeds.
Nevertheless, it was such a pleasant change to see this hope of better times to come.

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