Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Joy of a Warm House

After almost 32 years in this house - it's finally WARM!

Having only had a gas heater on the loungeroom wall at one end of the house, and no heating at all in the bedrooms throughout Canberra winters, the ageing bones finally told us that it was time to spoil ourselves a little and install ducted heating.

Yesterday it was switched on for the first time and the difference is amazing. It's not just that I'm comfortably warm whichever room I walk into, but also the absence of 'shock' when going into unheated rooms or cold patches.

No, we didn't freeze for 32 years, although my children may try and tell you otherwise.

No longer will my grandchildren be able to say, "No, we're not going to Grandma's, it's too cold over there."


Tanya said...

So what - if I were to visit in winter I wouldn't have to go to bed in the afternoon just to keep warm now?

Alice said...

That's right! We could turn it up enough to suit you, but we'd have to head off to the coast to cool down

meggie said...

Oh how lovely for you! We have it, & I must say, it makes things very comfortable.

Kerri said...

I can imagine how lovely that warmth feels to you.
Our youngest child, Kathy, was 13 when I took her to Australia to visit my mother in 1994. The month was August, the tail end of winter. One chilly morning she said to me, "Mom, why doesn't Nana Pat turn up the heat? It's freezing in here". I pointed to the space heater and said, "That's the heat!" She had no concept of a house without central heating.
I'm glad you're finally keeping warm. How nice it'll be to snuggle up in a cozy chair with a good book now.

Diana LaMarre said...

Living in Michigan a house with no central heat is something I've never even thought about.

I am so glad you will be warm this winter!

Val said...

Central heating is something to be cherished! It was one of the things I missed immediately after coming to Australia from California in 1974. In our first rented house we had a kerosene heater around which we'd huddle, and when we bought our first house we put in a gas space heater, in front of which I'd curl up and fall asleep. Only after the central heating went in a few years later did I finally thaw out. I am enjoying your new comfort with you, Alice!

SnowWhite said...

sounds great, has been a might cold hasn't it lol. Will be down in a couple of days just for the rest of winter ok
shona lol

Barbara said...

Glad to read you will be warm, I know how you feel, I have recently moved and my new house is so much warmer than the one I left. I hardly noticed last winter.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hey, alice, glad you have new heating. Ducting is just wonderful, and I think this Winter will be colder than normal (It is here, anyway !!).
Have a wonderful weekend.
Take care, Meow

Rose said...

Hurray, at last, for you! It is nice to be warm in the winter. We live in a older house, that does not have central heating. But we do have a wood burning stove, that helps out the individual room heaters. The stove can warm up the whole house, but you do have to work for it.

Marlene Depler said...

Good for you! I am glad that you are warm and comfortable with you new heater. I don't know how you managed without it. At the moment here in Colorado, we are not having any problem staying warm. We are in the middle of summer and trying to find ways to stay cool.