With one month of winter to go (officially) it's astonishing to see the amount of activity in the garden. New shoots and buds on trees, perennials pushing through the soil and bulbs and prunus in flower. Whilst most of the annuals have not produced much top growth, they will be establishing their roots ready to leap away as soon as the ground warms up a bit. We've had a few frosts but nothing like a normal Canberra winter. Another sign of the dreaded Global Warming, I guess.
Most of my house has windows and glass doors onto the north-east facing deck. With the sun so low during the winter I get sunshine into most rooms for the whole morning - lovely.
The Claret Ash in flower. I wish you could hear the bees.

The Calendula just keep on flowering regardless of the weather.

Orange Arctotis with Silver Pyrethrum.

These silver leaved Arctotis will have thousands of deep burgundy flowers in a few weeks.

A Perennial Wallflower just coming into bloom, and continue for at least 5 months.

Yellow daisies surrounded by last year's non-stop flowering stocks.