Gaura lindheimeri (White butterfly bush/ Whirling butterflies)

Blue Salvia

Swamp Cypress (Taxodium distichum)

Geraldton Wax (Chamelaucium uncinatum - an Australian Native plant)

Gaura 'Passionate Pink - has pink flowers & burgundy leaves)

The idle comments of a passionate Australian gardener, whose 'Growing Delight' is sharing the everyday bits'n'pieces with other lovers of gardening, and through photography, the beauty of the Australian landscape.
How beautiful! Rain is precious, especially when the water restrictions are so tough.
Your holiday photos are glorious too. What a stunning landscape, and I love the pics of hubby. It looks like the kind of place one could relax in and contemplate the meaning of life. =)
Gorgeous shots! Susan
I can see you've been a busy bee! And I thought you couldn't get any better than those beautiful rock and beach pics. Holy professional photographer Alice! These are really breathtaking! Such delicate flowers, and with the raindrops attached they're pure art. Just gorgeous. Thank you!!
Hey, did you notice I finally added my pic to my profile? :)
Kerri - thank you for bestowing 'holiness' upon me - or did you mean 'wholly'?
Yep, saw your profile photo, but how about using a current photo instead of one taken when you were 21 ... lol
You truly have diamonds. The plants are really holding onto every droplet of rain.
Very pretty pictures.
Great pictures Alice! Your diamonds are beautiful and I can't help but think of the fun I could have with my macro lense.
I wish I had your green thumb and your eye for taking such beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing. Made my day!
Sandy - as I was taking these photos I kept thinking how good your shots would be with your camera. Mine is just a very basic little digital but it does the job for me while I'm still a beginner.
Alice, great pictures! Which plant is it on the 6. photo? Artemisia?
They do look like little diamonds dont they - very sweet
Beautiful shots! I love the combination of water and light. Water and light and colorful flowers are even better!
I'm impressed Alice. You go away for a week and can still come home and be confident of putting pictures of your garden on your blog.
It says a lot about your garden. You ought to nominate for Gardener of the Year, I think.
Your diamonds and plants are truly beautiful Alice!
Beautiful, beautiful photos, Alice. Hope all is well in Canberra. Has Summer departed you yet, and Autumn kicked in ?? I think it has here ... the past 2 days have been mild, and somewhat cloudy, after all those wonderful sunny summery days of the Commonwealth Games.
Take care, Meow
Love these photos, all are breathtaking!
I can now actually see all your precious little raindrops now that I have my new monitor! Beautiful.
Love your diamond pictures, looks like the flowers/plants love the rain, too.
Yes! I see the diamonds in your garden. Thanks for sharing with me!
I'm glad we met via blogger. I'll be back to visit again. Your photos are wonderful.
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