Guess who beat me home?

Down the street ...

... and over the other side.

Front garden.

The idle comments of a passionate Australian gardener, whose 'Growing Delight' is sharing the everyday bits'n'pieces with other lovers of gardening, and through photography, the beauty of the Australian landscape.
Hi Alice!
I feel like I've just been for a stroll with you around Canberra's suburban streets! It's always lovely to see where you live and walk.
Hope you're having a lovely Easter!
It looks much like Tassie. Lots of Euc. trees and that stunning sky.I love all the trees. Your sky shots are beautiful.
You do have the most beautiful views.
Is that a burning bush I see in it's full color?
Thanks for the tour.
No Zoey, it's a Crepe Myrtle in its autumn dress.
You have such a beautiful area to walk through Alice. The gum trees are magnificent. I can smell them (in my mind)! I love the photo of that big old dead tree. Reminds me of one I saw while walking back from the river the other evening. I think I took a picture..I'll check. Beautiful skies!
Does Richard get tired of waiting for you while you're snapping pictures? :) Thanks for the lovely tour. Happy Easter to you!
I agree with Kerri. A lovely place for a walk. The pictures look so nice and warm. Have a great Easter!
Loved the shades and shadows of trees and clouds. Autumn looks as if it has arrived in Canberra and is displaying itself beautifully. I hope Easter has been a blessed time.
Blessings and bliss
lovely shots alice, particularly the one with the sunset on the clouds with the silhouetted horizon.your suburb looks quite hilly, were you far from those terrible bushfires?
Can I stay connected to your blog long enough to say 'Happy Easter Day'! I hope so. I'll email next week Frances.
Much Love _ Marion xx
beautiful place
Beautiful pictures Alice...I loved walking with you.
I always enjoy your photos, is that the Black Mountain tower in the distance,it's too long since I've visited Canberra.
I hope you don't mind, but I've tagged you to continue a meme that Stuart passed on to me - it's on my blog, I haven't been tagged before so I hope I'm doing this right. Don't worry if you don't want to do it.
Your first photo is beautifully composed, with the arching tree limb, and steeple in the distance. The early evening sidelighting is very dramatic also. I like your idea of taking us all on a stroll with you! Thanks :-)
Erica - yes, that is Black Mountain Tower in the distance.
Loved those pictures of our wonderful old land, reflected in its new landscape !!
I hope Easter has been a relaxing and uplifting time.
Best wishes
Beautiful photos ... Canberra is a very lovely place ... I haven't been there for a few years, though. I hope you were nowhere near where the fires were a few years ago ... that must have been very scary.
Thank you for sharing the photos.
Take care, Meow
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