As this is the most beautiful season of the year in Canberra,
here are 13 things I love about Autumn :
1. The temperatures are lower - low 20ºs (generally).
2. The days are warm and sunny (mostly - although the last two have been hot and windy).
3. The nights are chilly (sometimes).
4. The garden breathes a sigh of relief at having survived the summer....
5. ....so do I.
6. Newly planted plants don't shrivel up in the heat.
7. Gardens stay damp longer, even though it's forgotten how to rain.
8. There are bulbs to plant, which conjures up thoughts of Spring.
9. It's a great time to strike cuttings ....
10. ....and divide perennials.
11. Time to think of other pursuits instead of just keeping the garden alive.
12. It's the beginning of the hockey season.
13. But best of all, the many thousands of decidious trees in Canberra really try to outdo one another with their sheer brilliance of colour. Just waiting for the first frost to set the colour and then I'll be out and about with the camera, shooting every tree, each one looking better than the one before. Stay tuned!!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Woohoo! It worked. Well done. Almost makes me want to head south.
I'm very impressed with the auto link Alice. You're a clever girl!
Can't wait for all those pictures of the beautiful trees.
I think we've reached that time of year when our temperatures are in the same range for just a little while. Glad you're enjoying the lovely autumn weather, while we're loving our spring. Our bulbs are blooming while you're planting yours!
I love it when it's cooler at night too! My TT is up now too!
Hmm, I had thought spring would be a good time to visit Canberra, now it looks like autumn is a good time too. In Melbourne we have to travel to the Dandenongs and further to see a lot of autumn color.
I am going to curl up on the couch combating jet lag and listen to bird calls. Thanks for the CD. I just got it today.
I am back from my travels. I missed my blogging family.
That sounds like a beautiful time of year! We here in the states are getting ready for summer!! Seems odd for me to read about all you're doing...Enjoy the cooler temps!!
My T T is up.
OH! I love autumn, too. I spent one of my summers in Brisbane, almost 20 years ago. It was already cool and comfy there. ;)
I like Autumn (or Fall as our American viewers call it) for the diversity of colours but it saddens me as it means the summer is over. Thank you for visiting my T13
I love autumn. It is the best time of the entire year. Here in Utah, we are just into spring. Beautiful picture you posted too. My TT are up.
It sounds like it's just beautiful. Someday I am going to get there for a visit!!
Sounds like a wonderful place, almost as good as my Auburn. Happy Thursday. My TT is up!
I love Autumn as well! I have to admit that your list threw me off guard for a minute...and then I said to myself...she must be in Australia!!
nice list. My sister in law lives in Canberra too. I want to visit someday.
Autumn is my absolute favorite time of the year! It's spring here which is my second favorite.
Love your list and all the fall colors. We are enjoying the spring here. Great list Alice.
Aww... I am enjoying the spring up here! I can't get enough of the daffodils and tulips!
I can see all the brilliant colors in my mind's eye.
Looking forward to your list next week.
Mine is up.
Take care,
Autumn is my favorite season!
I love hockey! Is it the same as American hockey? It's not like how we call two different sports football, is it? :)
When I was visiting there, it was summer, and I loved it, cuz it was winter here! I much prefer heat over cold. But I'm glad you and your garden made it through.
Our autumns are similar, just at opposite times of the year. Sounds lovely--one of my favorite seasons.
Thanks for visiting my TT.
This list makes me feel happy to be alive. That's a sign of a good list.
Thanks for coming by my TT today. Happy Thursday!
I love autumn. always my favorite. thanks for visiting my TT!
Wow! Fellow Australian! Autumn is my favourite season!
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