
View towards Mossy Point.

Broulee Island in the distance.

Can you see the rainbow?

The idle comments of a passionate Australian gardener, whose 'Growing Delight' is sharing the everyday bits'n'pieces with other lovers of gardening, and through photography, the beauty of the Australian landscape.
Alice! You are back! Very interesting photos, I like the sea, so much!
I've only been near an ocean once when I went to British Columbia and I wish I lived nearer to's so beautiful, even when it's stormy! Beautiful pictures!
What gorgeous photos! Nice to see a coast I'll never probably get to visit. Thanks for sharing.
now that is where I would like to be right now! What a beautiful place to be.
Great pics of the ocean!
But, Alice, you left out the most important information: what book(s) did you read?
P.S. Welcome back!
Val - currently reading 'Tales from the Blackboard' a collection of stories by Australian teachers - the good, the bad, and the downright ugly of teaching. Also reading "Trowel and Error", autobiography of Alan Titchmarsh - English gardening guru, author, and TV presenter.
Have to confess that I also bought a Woman's Day for the first time in years, and even read most of the articles, although I tell myself I bought it for the Crossword, then get bored because it's not a challenge.
Looks like it was a lovely getaway. The ocean and lovely sunsets, what could be more relaxing...
How I love seeing those beautiful beaches! Glad you had a chance to listen to the rain on the roof, read and relax. Did you get any of that rain at home? Sounds like some interesting reading material.
Absolutely gorgeous pictures! Thanks for sharing those lovely views with us.
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