... some green grass on the lawns we sowed down a few weeks ago,

and the tireless gardener at work, in temperatures only slightly warmer than the Swiss Alps in mid-winter!

But back in the house I found all this in one bedroom. How did it get here? It's a good deal of the contents of Russ and Shannon's house, which they moved over here last week prior to their departure for overseas. I guess one positive aspect is - I won't have to vacuum the room for at least a year!! There's certainly no room to sleep in it, but it's amazing just how much stuff will fit into one small room. The rest of their furniture and belongings are spread throughout the rest of the house, in the garage and under the house. I think it may take about 5 years to find it all when they return.

I guess our cousins will not be sleeping in that room in October!
I also had gardening bug today in similar weather -hopefully we will be rewarded with lots of colour in the Spring. Rita
Oh horrible, Alice, in my house I have also a part of my childrens ownerships. When have I am the house for my own?
Hello Alice ~~ Your garden looks nice and you are right about the weather.Brr.
You sure have to store a lot of Russell and Shannon's things. The year will go quickly though, Thanks for leaving some comments and wishes for Kathy. She is well and so lucky her daughter is on holidays to help her until she can use her arm again. Take care, Merle.
Oh boy Alice, I see what you mean! It's great that Russ and Shannon have willing volunteers to store their things while they're away. That gives them peace of mind, I'm sure. It's very good of you and Richard to be so accomadating. No vacuuming is always good :)
Your lawn in filling in beautifully!
The tireless gardener is really rugged up. He's such a good worker! Your spring is just around the corner! Our summer goes far too quickly!!
The grass is really growing beautifully! And yes, it IS amazing how much stuff you can pack in one room! lol I still have some of the boys' things here, but it all mostly fits in the closets of their old bedrooms so it's not in the way. Just close the door and don't open it again until they come back! lol
Oh Alice- your a good mum- what an amount! Can't say that l haven't done this to my own mum though- oops. She still hints about it sometimes-lol.
Begs the question- do kids ever move out?
Lawn is coming on and your hubby is a trooper!
Very nice of you to let them store their house at your house...
Sounds like our house. I still have both kids' toys in their closets. The bad thing is now the grandkids are playing with the dolls and things. I can't ever get rid of it all. You are good to store their things and I'm sure they appreciate it. They surely will come claim it when they are finished overseas.
Your yard looks gorgeous. And, what a good husband you have.
Your garden is really looking nice. It took several years after their marriage before our children moved most of their things to their own homes. I know there are still a few things in the shed and garage....
Can't believe how quickly that lawn has come on.
The thought of having to store such a huge amount of stuff is daunting. Sometimes I think that one reason this "seachange" movement has happened is because parents are fleeing their big houses to smaller ones so that kids have to take their stuff with them.
Oh Alice, your garden is spectacular. That lawn is simply gorgeous. I hear that you are letting out space in your loungeroom lol... I have a few boxes... lol, xox Nicole.
I would look on the bright side..NO DUSTING, OR SWEEPING.... and your right how to find it all when they come back.....
It looks warm in your pictures because of the sunshine.....enjoy you day......
oh, I can totally relate to that beanie! I am finding this year soooooo cold - chilling me to the bones - to the point where I went out on the weekend and bought myself some thermal spencers. I am really looking forward to the warmer weather (I can't believe I said that)
Your new grass looks beautiful.
Your spare room looks like my basement which is stuffed full of my son's things.
His stuff has been there over 5 years.
I hope you have better luck getting rid of the items you are storing!
Alice so sorry I have missed a couple of your posts and had to sit here and read backwards lol lol to catch up.
We got your email and will respond in a day or so. Very interesting!
I would just shut that bedroom door now and not look in there again! for 12 months.
I wish them an enjoyable time over there and a warm welcome home to your daughter.
will catch up again soon best wishes to you. O! I will also add your sunrise photos are stunning!
hahaha...That's true, no vacuuming! Brings back memories of the stuff I've dropped off at my Parents...*gulp*
Alice ~ Your lawn is spectacular, you guys are such green thumbs, and your hubby should win gardener of the year!
Yeah, I have to agree that is a nice looking bit of green. I like the way the raised beds sort of sweep through it in the first pic. Makes the yard look like a giant green serpent. Very nice!
We are the culprits!!
But look what it is allowing us to do - and THANKYOU!!
What you did forget to mention is that you also have the use of a couch you can get out of.. lol!
Hey but your green grass looks fabulous! Not so the bedroom OMG!
This keeps happening to my 'spare' room as my daughter keeps going off on her travels, as soon as I start to think it's 'my' room again, she comes back! I look forward to hearing all about Russell adn Shannons travels, and I hope Sara and Josh settle soon.
Your garden is truly a work of art. The lawn looks fantastic - you should see mine, it's more like a dust bowl and the only thing that grows is weeds, haha!
And wow, look at all that stuff! You are so good to store all of it for your son and his partner. =)
Your garden is wonderful, thank you for showing us.
Wow, your "spare" room looks like mine did, before I attacked it recently. Isn't it amazing how they can bet so full, without us realising it !!
Take care, Meow
Well that is one room that you can just close the door on and forget about. Do you just have the one room full of children's belongings or is there a room full of your daughter's belongings too. I also seem to have cupboards full of my two children's belongings that they say they may need someday. Luckily, I have plenty storage space.
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