Okay, I admit it, it took me this long to make the place halfway presentable, so I'd better post these while I can.
Front door with Bluewrens in the glass panels, and the essential security/screen door. Grandson Luca was fascinated with the blue wrens when he was about two and would spend ages just looking at them. I guess he thought they were real birds and was surprised to find two exactly the same that didn't fly away.

Kitchen with view to the deck.

Don't anyone steal my cup of tea! I like the kitchen and family room much better now that they are green, white and purple instead of the dark brown and orange that they were for about 27 years.

Family room/meals area. The table is our original dining table and teak doesn't really go with the colour scheme here, but the table extends to 7' 6" long, which is invaluable when all the family visit or for cutting out fabric.

One spare bedroom ... (carpet in this room used to be purple, exact shade of the bed ruffle. Carpet's changed but I haven't gottten around to making a new ruffle.)

... and one not-so-spare bedroom. I posted this photo a few weeks ago showing where most of Russ and Shannon's stuff is while they are overseas for 12 months.

Blogging spot, back when it was new and tidy. The printer is about to be replaced with one that also scans, and I would NEVER buy a black keyboard again, especially when it has to sit down there in the dark.

Dining room. I'm happy that I can actually find this table now that Richard has retired and stopped covering it in schoolwork.

Lounge room. Including R&S's lounge suite and TV unit on the right. Would you believe that Richard now sits on the couch where that pink cushion is and watches both TVs at the same time - sometimes on different channels and with audible commentary.

Both of the above.

The most important little room in the house. The toilet, bathroom and laundry were never meant to be this horrible pink colour - the 4 litre can of paint was meant to be an apricot shade. Too late once it's mixed! That was 10 years ago and it's still waiting for me to repaint it. Can't rush these things, you know.

Oh goody! I'm your first guest on the tour. I've spent hours looking at everyone else's houses, which I had put in more effort on my own tour!
Love the little wrens in the door, and I'm very envious of your blogspace (still!). I spot your electric kettle!
Oh Alice, I love your home, it's so beautiful!! Very warm and inviting! How I'd love to be sitting with you at your lovely kitchen table with a cup of tea...wait, I don't like tea, so make it coffee! lol Thank you for the tour:-)
Val - did you also notice the microwave on the left, this side of the kitchen bench? But wait .... it belongs to Russ & Shannon. No point in storing it in the garage, though.
Ohh a pink loo - I love it...lol. Thank you for the tour of your home. It is lovely. Now - do you want to come and clean mine??...roflol.
Hi Alice, thankyou for inviting me in. You have a lovely home,I love the tidyness!! Your photos in your previous post "Even Grey Clouds Have Silver Linings" are beautiful.
I love the front door! And I'm so glad you got to replace that purple carpet--I cannot imagine!!!
You have a lovely home. Thanks for having us!
I like your house! My first thought was , "Oooooh...I could live there." I especially like the kitchen and adjoining room.
Wow what a clean home!
LOL so clean, I love your empty desk!! Thanks for sharing!
Your home is very beautiful and inviting and it's nice to know that you also have one of those rooms...the Russ & Shannon storage rooms. We have moved ours to an outdoor building, or given the stuff away, but we weren't storing it for our children...it was our own stuff.
Richard sounds like my hubs as far as the TV's.
Thanks for sharing your lovely home with us. It's been a delight to get to visit your wonderful home.
I was delighted to see your comment when I looked this AM! Hasn't this tour of homes been fun?
Please visit me again anytime. I do so enjoy your photography and delightful posts :-)
You have a very comfy home! thank you for sharing!
I am fascinated by the blue wrens as well ;-) Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the tour of your home. It's lovely! I love bright kitchens too. The white and green are great!
Good girl...I knew you could do it!!
I love your home...very inviting...that nice roomy kitchen...so clean!!
Thank you for sharing this tour.
You are one neat housekeeper! I really like your home!
Hi Alice,
Visiting from Canada - your home is very nice! and clean! How do you do it? Thanks for letting us have a peek.
Hello from America! What a lovely home. I absolutely love the kitchen renovation, so bright and clean and cheerful and huge too!
lol about your not so spare room. I know the feeling. college age son is coming home for several months and we are trying to find a place for him!
I'll be back to visit more soon.
thanks for stopping by my place, come again!
ps. my first bathroom was so (peach~ uuhh make that ) ORANGE! that it glowed until the day we moved out!
lol Alice- bet Richard gets that talent from having been a primary teacher- listening to all the kids at once!!
Thank you for the lovely tour of your home- like your kitchen- bright and cheerful. Are you putting on the kettle?? I'll be right over. :)
I think my bathroom has been though every colour of the rainbow-lol. Wonder if l should paint it again for my sister coming???
Your lounge is huge! Like the way you have positioned the pics on the walls and the calming colours too.
It is nice to be able to visualise where you get online. Thankyou again dear Alice.
Alice, you have such a pretty home! And don't you say nasty things about your pink toilet - I think it's really cute!! (I bet the apricot paint would have had a lot less character!)
Thank you for this peek into your lovely home. Awfully generous of you to donate a room to those traveling abroad. Mission work? Military tour?
Ah, NOW I see the microwave! Taking up space too, isn't it? Does that mean that you DIDN'T buy a new one afterall?
Ha, ha, Val - no, I didn't buy a new one (yet???) and this one sits on top of the cabinet where the phone & phone books go. I couldn't put it on the bench because I need access to the power points as the one on the other side of the kitchen doesn't work. We also have one in the garage that doesn't work, and we just save them up so that the electrician can fix them all in one go....lol.
You have a lovely home. Thanks for sharing!
What a darling home. I love the window over the kitchen sink and your pink bathroom. Thanks for the tour across the miles. Too fun!
Alice, thank you that it is possible to visit your home. It is like an european home.
I like your kitchen, it is so big. In my kitchen we can not eat.
How lovely to see your home Alice! Now I can picture you in all these rooms, busy doing what you do! Love your bright kitchen..pretty colours. That wall of cabinets in the family room gives you lots of storage space. I agree with Jelly, your pink loo is cute :)
Thanks for the lovely tour...it's been fun!
Still no DSL here. Maybe Monday, I HOPE!
now where is the photo of the study area...you know dads area??????
Ah, Shelly, you're such a cheeky girl, aren't you? I thought I was pretty lucky to find so many rooms that weren't too disastrous. The shocking pink toilet is still pretty disastrous, though.
What a beautiful home. So much cabinetry everywhere. And your pink bathroom cracked me up. Yes, what's the rush? Actually, I kind of like it! Thanks for letting me drop in.
I loved the Not so spare room. Look s much like my kids toy room. It all looks so homey and warm. A place full of many family memeories. I wouldn't part with the Teak table either.
Alice, loved seeing your house, what a bad girl you are giving me a link to Boomama and all those house tours!
Maybe I'll take part in the next one, I'll need that much time to get my house presentable VBG
Thanks so much for inviting us in for a tour. Your home is so lovely. Really like your front door with the wrens. I love your square kitchen (the colors are great!) and all the cabinets. and we can just see out the door that you must have a nice deck out there too.
I remember purple carpet in the bedrooms. And bright orange everywhere. I saw a collection of antique wallpaper somewhere not long ago, and I thought 'good heavens' ... that is wallpaper I lived with!
Thankyou for sharing your beautiful home with us...
Thanks for the tour!!!
Your home is beautiful. I love your big kitchen window and the new color scheme is just right. It appears that you and I have the same computer, but mine's in my kitchen. Thanks for the tour!
Thanks for sharing the photos of your home.
You have a really pretty home. I am glad that you came to visit me, & thanks for letting me come to yours (in AUSTRALIA!) I enjoyed the tour.
What a beautiful home you have. Thanks for sharing, Meow
Dear Alice ~ I have so much to read and see and enjoy visiting your blog.
I have gone a bit glassy eyed reading your latest post on "life stories", so I will start with the tour of your home first.
Richard and You have a lovely home and it reminds me of my Parent's home in Darwin...which is special.
Dear Alice.....
I must be getting better, at last I’ve started reading blogs again and what a delight, to start off with a tour of your lovely home. Now I can really picture you, Richard and the family ‘at home’. I must say how incredibly clean and tidy everywhere looks and I love your light and calming decor, that’s something I’m moving more and more over too these days.
Thank you for the personal tour, I’m always fascinated by other peoples homes, and yours in lovely. Love - Marion
Your house is absolutely beautiful, so spacious and inviting. Love your big and organized kitchen! I love it all!Thanks for sharing!
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