This morning we said "Goodbye" to our son, Russell, and his partner, Shannon, who have left Australia to spend 12 months overseas. Apart from some travel in Asia and Europe, much of the time will be spent in Belgium where Russell will coach hockey teams.
We look forward to hearing about their experiences through Shannon's blog. We wish them safe travel, the joy of experiencing new cultures and the pleasure of making new friends. God bless you both and keep you safe. We love you both.

Tonight we said "Hello" to our daughter, Sara, who returned home after spending 8 months playing hockey in the Netherlands, and her boyfriend, Josh, who has spent the last 5 weeks travelling Europe with Sara. We hope it doesn't take them too long to acclimatise from summer back to winter. Welcome home, Sara and Josh.
(Photos obviously not taken in the middle of an Australian winter.)

Lovely pictures Alice. You've had such a lot of activity lately with all the comings and goings of your children. I'm sure Russ and Shannon will have some wonderful adventures and I'm looking forward to hearing about some of Sara and Josh's.
Enjoy your Sara...as I know you will :)
Sounds like Shelly and the kids had fun with Aunty Tanya :)
Now there's a mix of emotions! Great to see your family Alice and good to see Sara's back after her hockey WORLD tour.
Nice looking family...keeps you on your toes with all the comings and goings huh??
An Australian hockey family! I obviously need to readjust my stereotypes! ;o)
Janet - we're talking 'field hockey' here, not ice-hockey. So perhaps you don't need to adjust your stereotypes as much as you thought.
Tammy - perhaps it's time the parents took off again, instead of the children.
Thanks also Kerri and Stu for your comments.
I wish Russell & Shannon a very safe trip...I've no doubt you will miss them in the year they are gone!! As for Sara & Josh, glad they got back safely and I'm sure had lots to tell you of their travels:-)
What a busy family you all have been Alice. Is it time that Mum and Dad did some jetsetting instead of the kids I wonder.
Welcome home Sara and Josh and safe journey to Russell and Shannon.
Phew, busy days at your household lately, Alice. It's probably a good thing that the timing was thus: you didn't have time to focus on the missing son before the returning daughter lobbed in on your doorstep.
I was thinking the same as Calidore - time for you two to do some traveling.
Lovely kids Alice- l think from the moment our children are born we will never be free from worrying about them. l used to look forward to my older two growing up so that l could have a break but now it's worse than ever! The youngest seems to be the easiest.lol
Bests to your son, Russell and Shannon. I can only imagine that you are so pleased to have your daughter home safe again- Sara is a lovely name.
Goodbye and Hello! I wish safe journeys and happy welcomes for all. xox
Alice, one year without your son! I wish hin a good time in Belgium.
Avalon is the name of the property- l think that it's a nice name but my husband wouldn't. Funny how names mean different things to different people??
hello from Thailand - Sawdasee is how I think you spell it.
Thankyou for your email - we are currently sitting at the bar about 10m from the beach catching up on the lst few days -it's been great!!
Lots going on in your life Alice!
Lots of coming and going at your house! Same here.
I'm finally doing a little catching up on purusing in blogland. Goodbyes and welcome home! Quite a roller coaster of contrasting emotions!We are eagerly awaiting a visit from our daugther, son-in-law, and three grandchildren this fall. They are living in Bosnia.
Hi Alice,
Just visiting. I followed your link over from Susan's blog and I found your photos charming.
I saved a sunset from your June 24th post to display on my desktop background. My wife and I live in Florida, which is nearly tropical, but it looks as though your sunsets have ours beat.
Seem's like your door hasn't had much of a chance to shut for a while with all the comings and goings. Glad to hear they are all enjoying life and checking out the travel side of life , It is always good to see how others live. Take care for now. : )
Beautiful family, Alice.
Wishing a good luck and safe journey to Russell and Shannon and a happy welcome to Sarah and Josh!
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