Claret Ash in flower.

Flower tassles on the Garryia Eliptica.

Grevillea budding and the odd flower.

New purple, pink and cream tulips shooting.

Native Correa. Can you see the bee in the bottom right corner?


Perennial wallflower (Autumn Joy) about to burst and flower for the next four months.

Afternoon sunshine on the Hop Bush.

A green that we haven't seen for a few years.

Dear Alice.
I am so looking forward to your summer garden- it will be cold here but they will keep me cheery. I just know it.
Keep warm,
oops- your photos will keep me cheery-lol
l need some tea. :)
Ah Spring is returning to you and we see Autumn round the corner. Re my Sunday Scribblings, actually it was inspired by my grandmother and mother, who used to take me round parks and gardens, my grandmother would occasionally whip a pair of small scissors out of her handbag and take a cutting off a plant, but no way like the two ladies in my story. Personally, I have to admit to nipping the very occasional cutting, thats how I got my Rosemary plant. A lot of gardeners seem to indulge in! Love xx
By the looks of what's already budding out, your garden and yard will be amazing this year. Wish I had your eye and talent.
Good morning dear Alice. How nice to see your garden stirring with signs of spring. I can't help feeling a little bit of dread when you mention that your spring is 5 weeks away. Not for your spring, but for our winter, of course. Fall is lovely though and something to look forward to.
Your flowers and plants are lovely, especially the daffodils. Hope you're keeping warm.
Very interesting, Alice. You have so different plants from us in Europe!
What is that, tulipes and daffodils and all! EEK! Does that mean your winter is already over and you have spring now? That all goes so fast!
gardens looking good, we have been so dry up here th grass in nearly brown lol but raining today thank the lord.
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