I am offering a set of 3 aprons (photo below and description also on Peggy's blog) and would be very grateful to anyone who would like to make an offer. ALL money raised will be donated to this very deserving cause.

The idle comments of a passionate Australian gardener, whose 'Growing Delight' is sharing the everyday bits'n'pieces with other lovers of gardening, and through photography, the beauty of the Australian landscape.
Alice I would 4ike to help here and would just like an email as to how I go about bidding on these your lovely aprons.
I also will find a little something to auction but will wait until my item is required after the other auctions including yours.
Now do I bid on them here or someplace else?
Your lawn looks stunning! are you going to run around in bare feet this summer? :o)
look forward to hearing from you soon about the auction.
All bids should be made in the Comments section under the required item on Peggy's blog. Bids are in US$. Thank you so much for your support. - 'Alice'
I love your aprons Alice. So beautifully made and lovely colour combinations.
How nice of Peggy to run this auction and how generous of you to contribute these lovely items.
I was just over at Peggy's blog and have now donated a little something for her to auction off. I will mention the auction in my blog tomorrow:-) The aprons are lovely and I wish I could bid on everything that's up for auction already!! Decisions, decisions!!
Hello Alice,
Sorry, I'm not here to bid but I AM here to thank you for visiting A Chelsea Morning today and leaving your link in the name game.
Another Australian! I'm amazed how this has traveled all over the place. I hope you meet some nice people through it. Lots of people have and I plan to leave the post up for several more days.
Thanks again for dropping in and good luck with Peggy's auction.
Dear Alice.
Have been playing catch up with my friends and was amazed at the pictures of your grass! Doesn't seem so long ago that the lawn was planted- wonderful!
Will try to visit Peggy's blog- see what is happening- love the aprons you donated.
Have missed checking in here and am looking forward to your soon to come Spring/Summer garden flowers. xx Will keep me going through the winter. Loved the parrots by your door- how fortunate you are to have such colourful birds. Our Randy here was having a good peek-lol.
Hello Alice, how lovely the aprons are, how nice it would be to have them. I will need to look at payment matters between here and US ... thankyou
And as for your grass, well done... I've forgotten what it looks like, we are about to go to level4 water restrictions due to the dams being only about 20% capacity, and that means NO watering at all, we've been on buckets only for more than 6 months.
thanks too for the big pics of the birds, magic!
Hello Miss,
I have sold something!
Yay for me!
Much love, Nicole xox.
thanks Alice for donating and for posting about the auction.
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