The back lawn in May.

Today after its first mowing.

Front lawn being 'planted' in May.

First 'haircut' today. The allysum hanging over the wall in the above photo managed to drop several thousand seeds which grew faster than the grass and I spent several hours this weekend pulling them all out. Some were even flowering.

Kerri has been nagging me (ever so nicely, of course) to take a photo of the mulcher. So here 'tis. Also several bags of garden waste from Michelle and Russell's gardens, and a huge heap from our own.

It took about two hours to turn all of this ....

.... into this.

Allysum, osteospermum, penstemons, geraniums, pelargoniums, gaura, convolvulus, chrysanthemum, centranthus, daisies and several other bits and pieces all finished up like this. The compost worms will think it's 'Christmas'.

WOW! Beautiful lawn! So is it spring there yet? And what is that wonderful arrangement of wooden poles etc., it looks like a play area with sand underneath?
Oh yes, Alice, Kompost is the best thing on the world and no, I would not eat your gras, I'm no rabbit!
Your lawn makes me want to walk barefoot on it! Jealous of your mulcher too. I've always wanted one.
nice grass...our is all August crispy around here...
The grass is spectacularly green... but not enticing enough to make me go all bovine and eat it!
Your grass certainly grew beautifully..nice and thick!! Love seeing the before and after pictures, makes you realize just how much of a change was made:-) A mulcher must be a great thing to have!!
Well, it's about time Alice! Thank you very much for the picture of the mulcher :) It's rather a strange looking bird, isn't it? Wow, that's a huge pile of garden waste. You and Richard have been very busy! The mulch looks wonderful, and yes the worms will love it!
How lovely to see your grass all green and healthy. That must make you positively beam. I might be able to try a little nibble....perhaps with a bit of salad dressing :)
Your grass looks beautiful.
Wow, that mulcher sure makes quick work of turning waste into gold, doesn't it?
I'm trying to concentrate on the grassed areas but am having difficulty in pulling my eyes away from those spectacular maples from your autumn photos.
Amazing that that little mulcher can do so much.
Your lawn looks so lush green and in full, much better than mine!
Btw Alice, I think you may like to see my last 3 posts ;-)
Hi Alice
a lot of wok preparing the lawn but great reward to see it so lush and green . im starting to get a few green patches now the frost have gone . take care
I don't know about eating it but it sure is eye candy! do you find that things like allysum, seed when used in compost?
gorgeous day up here in the mountains, Alice - I hope yours is just as glorious!
Wow. The trees are stunning. I have to get there to visit. Your photos just keep getting better Alice
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