I actually went walking this afternoon to photograph the dark clouds coming in from the west. Guess how much rain we got from all that darkness? That's right, one spot!

The idle comments of a passionate Australian gardener, whose 'Growing Delight' is sharing the everyday bits'n'pieces with other lovers of gardening, and through photography, the beauty of the Australian landscape.
Mmm, wattles are so cheerful. And some have the loveliest fragrance. Did you stop to sit on the bench in the last photo?
We had a good bit of rain today, but also sunshine. My wash still got dry BUT the birds eating the blue berries near the clothes hoist pooped on about 1/3 of the wash so it had to go around again. Grrrr!
Alice, is the golden wattle that one at the photo or is it a shrub?
"The bush was grey, a week today,
orange, green and brown and grey,
but now the spring has come our way with blossoms for the wattle..."
You've got me singing this morning Alice :)
Don't know if I've remembered all the words properly, but you certainly took me back to my childhood in Australia. I LOVE the wattle!
I like your new addiction :) The paths are beautiful, leading off into the distance. You certainly have some lovely places to walk.
Mmmm, I can smell the bush, I think!
P.S. So sorry about your lack of rain. I'd send some of ours if I could!
You love nature and it shows in your pictures...can't think of a more wonderful addiction than that:-) If only more people would realize what nature has to offer and would take a moment and admire a tree, or a road, or a flower, etc... Have a great day Alice:-) Hugs!!
Ah, lovely...especially that last, stormy photo.
I hope you're not fading away with all this walking to take photos!
Oh what a beautiful country side..
Alice, you know how I love my trees - you are feeding MY addiction!
I love wattle, everywhere I have ever lived in australia has had some wattle planted, until now that is - but there is one right across the road.
Beuatiful, thank you.
Obsessive compulsive maybe? Me too. I get on kicks like that. Your pics look just like mine. Wattles, clouds, windy roads. Lovely. Keep them comming
Thanks for you wonderful and thoughtful comments on my blog. I love your photos of the essential Australian bush, the colours are just perfect
Val - no I didn't rest on that bench although it is a lovely spot to sit. I thought I'd better keep going just in case it did rain - super optomist that I am.
Jelly - I wish I was fading away with all the walking, but no such luck, I'm afraid.
Thank you all for your comments. Only to pleased to be able to share a little Australiana with you all.
Beautiful photos! Love the trees and the road too!
Beautiful winding roads, Alice.
And I learned the Golden Wattle is Australia's national flower. I shall have to find some way to work that into a conversation this week!
HI Alice
looks like you have some interesting walking paths and winding roads great photography
take care
Alice..............You are an amazing woman, all that walking is making me dizzy.
jusk kidding! your pictures are lovely as always.
I have been missing in action for a few days so now I am going to stroll down your many photos and as an armchair tourist; "enjoy!"
see you again. Lee-ann
I love the wattles in flower. It wasn't until I spent my first year down here that I got to experience the joy of them in bloom, and at our last place at Tinderbox had them lining the driveway...I couldn't stop photographing them.
p.s. I also didn't realise that there were different kinds.
loved all of your pictures!!
I think these deep draws like this are what bring us into the archtypal. Addictions are what bring us away from the deep instead. So personaly I'd toss the label of addiction and embrace them as "draws to the deep". And we are all so very blessed that you share them with us : )
Hello Alice ~~ You have some wonderful photos here. I love trees and the roadways and clouds- all of them and
enjoyed visiting tonight.
Thanks for sharing these with us.
Take care, Merle.
Alice, I wouldn't call it addiction. It's a fruit of retirement, a maturing interest in the beautiful things of life. You and your husband have done an excellent job on your lawn, so lovely and green. please give me me your husbands name again please I've forgotten it.
I share your addiction for paths. Wattles make me sneeze but are stunning to look at.
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