...the United Kingdom. Or was it just my imagination that had the United Kingdom floating overhead?

The idle comments of a passionate Australian gardener, whose 'Growing Delight' is sharing the everyday bits'n'pieces with other lovers of gardening, and through photography, the beauty of the Australian landscape.
He...he, like the touch to UK :-)
Looks like a wonderful day which I envy you...
Could be! Great capture and nice blue sky! Happy Sunday!
How very clever and friendly of the UK to float by and wave at your English visitors...to make them feel less homesick!
Now that's amazing!
I hope you're having lovely fun Aice :)
Ah well spotted Alice! Yes its us in the UK, using clouds to send you greetings from a wet and windy UK!
Definitely the UK!!! Amazing!
I don't know about it being the UK but it sure is a lovely skyscape :))
I see it!
mine is up
Definitely the UK!
LOL love the title and the photo! Definitly the UK. :) But without seeing it as the UK it's a very nice landscape photo in itself. :)
I don't know if it's the United Kingdom but the blue sky & clouds are beautiful.
Very beautiful shot! I can see the UK!
Happy Sunday! My GTS pic is up.
how cool was that, that is so like the UK it is weird, well done Alice.
Blue skies, wow... I saw that for a few minutes this week.
Sign me jealous.
No, not your imagination, good pick-up..
Glad you had your camera handy to capture the UK floating by. Definately not your imagination I can see it
Hello Alice ~ Great cloud picture of the UK. And I love all your garden photos. You must have a magnificent garden, and you take some beautiful photos to share with us. The captions are great when they work, sorry you have had so much trouble with posting.Thanks
for your comments while I was busy with my visitor.And the info about George
Carlin. Take care Alice, your friend, Merle.
lol- just love it!
How on earth do you manage to always be in the right place at the right time?? Love all of your cloud shots and garden photos also.
Bests for now,
I bet they were kinda mad to let the whole country just float away like that....
Great shot
LOL leave it to you to find those clouds that look like the UK! Wonderful shot! We've been getting lots of clouds...snow ones that is! Woke up this morning to a snow covered ground again but thankfully it's now all melted!
Didn’t you just catch me waving from my patch in Wales as good old Great Britain sailed over Ozzyland. Well spotted Alice dare I say you certainly have your head in the clouds.
Its all this English influence you are under at the moment. Hope you are having a great time with your guests deom UK. Marion
Hey, well spotted ! I see it, I see it! My kids love doing this!
Sorry it's taken me a couple of days to get here, but welcome to green thumb, I post nature shots weekly too.
I'm not sure if you see it but it looks like a rather large hippopotamus is following closely behind.
Our kids love doing this as well. Great shot and imagination Alice.
Hi Alice.
Great cloud formations and it's strange what the eye can see.
I myself can spot a poodle in tow,
how the mind plays tricks.Ha!Ha!
Hey that's great. The UK cloud formation, how cool is that!
I saw it straight away, and that is unusual for me. I'm always the one that says 'where is it, I can't see it' so I'm gloating :=P
Thnx for stopping by my last Green Thumb Sunday. I don't feel too bad now, it's your last post too!
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