Parkland on the other side of the street leads up to a Reserve which is a great favourite with walkers. Great views of Canberra and suburbs can be seen from the top of the hill (see Posting of July 7th).

Broad Beans flowering. Pretty flowers but they still only produce green beans.

The 'elusive one'. I'm sure he's checking to see if I'VE thinned out HIS vegetables correctly!

Self-sown Larkspurs.

Phormium (NZ Flax)

Aquilegia (Columbines/Granny's Bonnets)

Pink Gazanias, Yellow and Burgundy Arctotis, Purple 'Winter Joy' Wallflower and one red Sweet William.

Lavender and bees.

More Arctotis.

Violas (Little Johnny Jump-ups) under the Birch tree planted by ShellyC's parents-in-law on their first visit to Australia from Switzerland.

Cytisus (Broom), Grevillea and Claret Ash (but not Claret until the autumn).

Now if only these 'Blue Poles' supporting the Sweet Peas were as valuable as the Jackson Pollock painting (now valued around A$54m).

White Banksia Rose.