This year there are more than one million blooming bulbs and plants in designs which represent some 16 countries. The garden beds are inspired by flags, iconic symbols, history, flower festivals and traditional gardens from Canada, France, Spain, China, New Zealand, Turkey, England, Netherlands, Japan, America, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore, Colombia, Belgium, and Australia.
Plants include hundreds of thousands of tulips, plus violas, Dutch hyacinths, iris, ranunculus, English daisies, daffodils, jonquils and poppies.
Plantings are staggered so that not all are in flower at the same time to ensure that there are good displays throughout the four weeks of Floriade. At the conclusion of the show all garden beds will be removed, including soil, bulbs and plants. Commonwealth Park is the temporary home of Floriade, and has been for the past 19 years! Next year new soil will be brought in, and new bulbs will be planted in newly designed beds, ready for another spring spectacular.

Wow, now that is something special! The colour is amazing - I love the big sweeping blocks of bright colour, it's like a work of art. I bet you were in heaven being in the midst of all those beautiful flowers?
A veritable rainbow of flowers!! - beautiful.
What can I say, stunning! stunning! stunning! What a joy to behold. I am reminded of visits to the Dutch bulb fields and Kuerkenhof Gardens in particular.
They also hold a Floriade in Holland, once every ten years if my memory serves me right. Marion
The colours are quite breathtaking Alice, they are wonderful displays. Our public gardens do us proud. We've just returned from the Toowoomba "festival of flowers" and we have got colour overload but it's a nice affliction.
Thankyou so much for sharing these fabulous pictures with us... they are surely stunning. I am loving poppies at the moment. I must tell you my dearest that my orchids are flowering and looking very pretty indeed. I must take a photo for you. Much love, Nicole xox.
He he Alice, what a lot of beautiful photos! I love the tulips, but not red one.
Are you sure this is not your garden? It looks like your garden..
How fortunate you are to be able to visit this spectactular place in person! An how fortunate we are for you to share it with us!
You wouldn't be able to drag me away from these gardens...what beautiful flowers that go on and on!! Absolutely gorgeous!! So much work for a matter of 4 weeks...ask them to bring the flowers to your place once they're done with them! lol Hugs!
Fantastic photos. And I espied a hint of a haven of calm amidst the riot of colours - the image of water and rock which must be the Japanese inspired garden. Thank you!
I counted 28 photos! Hello and Blogger must love you Alice! Spectacula is certainly the word to describe these displays of wonderful spring flowers!
It's truly amazing and awe inspiring to think of all the work that goes into this. I'd have a hard time leaving this place. Ross would have to be very patient :)
Your photos are wonderful. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Must make it to Canberra during Floriade one of these years. MIL is there as I type - lucky her! Thanks for posting these photos, Alice!
Have always wanted to go to Canberra for Floriade.
Thankyou so much for sharing it with us!
Wonderful to behold.
I just don't know how to describe these beautiful gardens...this is the most spectacular display of flowers that I have ever seen. You are VERY lucky to live so close to this yearly event.
Such a wonderful blog, full of eye-popping beautiful pictures.
I'll be "popping" back to see more soon.
Just looking at these pictures makes my heart light You've outdone yourself with these photos and you are blessed to have something like this near you and the ability to capture it to share with others
I'm not sure where in the US we have anything comperable. I can't imagine all the work that goes into bring it all in and then taking it all away! You may have inspired me to go to the spring flower festival in Ottawa next year.
Your pictures are always wonderful.
Wow. Now that is a garden. Didn't strike me as being very Japanese.
so much colour, truly beautiful, thanks for sharing them with us.
Wow! Just gorgeous! I am without words! Such a beauty!!!
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