Ms*Robyn tagged me so I will have to crank my brain into gear and give this some thought. Pardon any creaky noises you hear as you read.
5 things I plan to do before I die1. Finish the garden (finish the garden, finish the garden, finish the garden, finish the .... you get the picture).
2. Use all of my accumulated fabrics (ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, - what a joke!)
3. Finish writing my life story before I forget what it was.
4. REALLY tidy my house.
5. Be a better wife, mother, sister and friend.
5 things I can do
1. Propogate plants.
2. Sew clothes for myself, other people, dolls, and grandchildren (hint, hint,
ShellyC )
3. Fall asleep watching any movie at anytime.
4. Find beauty in almost every flower, tree, cloud, sunset and every new day.
5. Make Chocolate Pudding.
5 things I can't do and probably never will1. Swim properly.
2. Listen to or like talk-back radio.
3. Walk past a plant nursery without going in.
4. Squat or kneel to weed the garden (I can, but my knees can't).
5. Become computer literate (this is the second time I've typed all this, having hit the wrong button and deleted it all the first time.)
5 things that attract me to the opposite sex1. When they talk to me like an equal.
2. Beautiful tenor voices like David Hobson and Russell Watson.
3. When they are wonderful fathers to their children (like my son-in-law).
4. When they treat their sisters well (like my son).
5. When they overlook all my idiosyncrasies (like my husband).
5 things I say most often1. "Is it time for elevenses yet?" (or quarter to nines, or half past tens, or two o'clocks .... or any time that's perfect for a cuppa).
2. "Oh dear, I'm missing Dr. Phil."
3. "Would you like to cook dinner tonight?" (the answer is always 'No' and he never does).
4. "I just want to check the emails (blogs, actually)."
5. "It's a perfect day!"
5 celebrity crushes (note: these are all past tense, or dead)
1. Peter Finch
2. Harrison Ford
3. Jimmy Stewart
4. Johnny O'Keefe
5. Omar Sharif
5 people I would like to do this
ShellyC - shellsandbeans
Shannon - kirbykids
Calidore - calidoresgardenramblings
Zoey - perennialpassion
Chloe - chloesgarden