Bungendore is a small town of about 2000 people some 20 minutes drive from Canberra. Today was Show Day. For such a small place they put on an excellent show featuring alpacas, cattle, dogs, rabbits, horses, goats, poultry, snakes, sheep, a farmyard nursery, craft and produce, including vegetables, cakes & biscuits, and beer. There was the usual collection of sideshows, stalls, and fun for the kids. Whilst the number of entries was relative to the population, the quality was very good. Congratulations, Bungendore.


and Beer.

Not sure who is the more entertaining, the dogs or their owners.

Old engines running on good care and love.

The man needs a cuppa (and two of the three scones).




Horses, horses and more horses.

Angora Goats.

Children enjoying the Farmyard Nursery.


Sideshow Alley.