There were some wonderful clouds in the sky as I was driving home from shopping today. But by the time I'd put the shopping away and walked to the top of the hill behind our house, most of the best clouds had dispersed. Never one to miss a photo opportunity however, this series of photos was taken from the top of Mt Rodgers, one of the highest peaks in the ACT. You can see how dry the countryside is still.(Please click on photos for more detailed view.)
Looking to the north with the village of Hall hidden in the trees.

The suburbs and town centre of Gungahlin.

Belconnen suburbs to Mt Ainslie.

Light towers of the Australian Institute of Sport in the distance.

Belconnen Town Centre, Lake Ginninderra and Black Mountain.

The houses in the foreground are where I usually walk. You may be able to see the pathway at the foot of the hill.

View to the west and Brindabella Ranges.

Another view of Belconnen Town Centre.

Some random shots on the way home.