Anyway, as you already know, the coast isn't all sand, surf and sunsets - there's rocks as well.

The idle comments of a passionate Australian gardener, whose 'Growing Delight' is sharing the everyday bits'n'pieces with other lovers of gardening, and through photography, the beauty of the Australian landscape.
And such interesting looking rocks! The artist in you comes out through your camera lens and captures delightful images - if taken by anyone else would be just rocks.
Hurrah for the rain. Maybe that will help your 'dirt' grow?
Some great photos over the last few posts too.
Yes, lots of rocks - and seagulls too! LOL
Great pics :)
Wow, I would call them little mountains.....beautiful pictures.. I forget it is winter down under... so you can listen to us complain about the heat, and you can complain about the
Wow, Alice, great pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
What fascinating rock formations...your countryside is so very different from ours so I find it so interesting to see what your part of the world looks like:-)Beautiful pictures as always!!
Was this a T13, or did I count 14 pics? Doesn't matter, those are AMAZING pictures! I can almost hear the surf...
Seriously, I would LOVE to print out a couple for my computer side board of pics. ;)
Okay Alice its all your fault! I am packing my bags and moving in with you! There are too many beautiful sunsets and scenery that has me drooling and you shouldn't have to enjoy them without me. LOL
Seriously, I love the photos!
Alice, I always enjoy your photographs so much. Thanks for showing these to us all, and keep snapping!
I love how you captured one of the seagulls in the middle of that ridiculous posturing they do. I can happily spend a half hour looking at a group of them, picking the bullies,feeling sorry for the ones that have been on the losing end of a fight.
Thank you for the lovely comments you posted, nice to meet another gardener. Just had a quick look at your blog, what fantastic rock formations, I will be back for a longer look.
These pictures take me back to first year geology - learning how these rocks were formed. It was actually interesting. But only one years worth of interesting (I found fish more interesting after that). Still, I can't help looking at a rock formation and asking myself what type of rock it is...
I love these pics ~ I find rocks beautiful and fascinating, especially along the beach or the shoreline. You take great photos Alice. I'm really missing my camera at the moment. I'm having a problem with the downloading part and I'm not a happy chappy :(
I used to LOVE going for walks around the rocks when I lived on the North much beauty to see!!! These photos are spectacular Alice...really beautiful. I can smell the salt air. I love all the colors and textures, line formations, etc. The 3rd one down: giants legs with toes! (and knobbly knees:) And that sand between the rocks in the 8th one down...I want to run on it! you are a true artist with your camera. I can tell how much you love taking those pictures :) Thanks for sharing them.
Alice, the photos are grat! I would like to go for a walk between the rocks!
Such beautiful photos of the coast...thank you for sharing them. I have been looking at your blog for sometime and thought i needed to say hello...your blog is just breathtaking with all your garden pictures...what an inspiration!! Blessings..
excellent coastal shots alice, particularly the first one with the seaweed on the rocks. Where were they taken?
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